Potty Club

Happy Birthday George – 13 years old now!

To finish the rubbish saga from yesterday… the food bin was no longer roadside this morning. I think the food got added to black waste. He must have gone exploring. Doh!

I had one of those terrible nights… up and down, up and down. After so many slam down nights, it was a bit of a shame.

I needed to get T up and off to his Day Care. He hasn’t been for over a week because we were away, and I have missed it sorely. And finally, in his absence, yes, finally, I got stuck into the dreaded Attendance Allowance form. I should have done it years ago, but was deterred because they like you to be resident for a certain amount of time in the UK and we did not fulfill the criteria.
It is a very long, complicated and repetitive form which requires careful completion. There are two levels of funding available – daytime OR night-time, only – at a lower rate, and night AND day – higher rate. The award of the attendance allowance brings with it a reduction in council tax. It is worth having.

Back to the start of the day… T actually got himself up and he was delivered to his Day Centre. Ukeleles were on the menu for the afternoon. He went in quite happily.

I then took H on a new walk in Blewbury up by the gallops. The day was now warm and sunny. It was rather lumpy walking, and the views should have the been great but the track I was following was slightly sunken which cut the views. H found the verges and hedgerows extremely interesting for some reason or other.

There was some interesting plant life.

There were a few horses around as well.

I called in at Savages on the way back to pick up some of their excellent fruit and veg. And then we returned home to the dreaded form.

It took me a while to assemble all the documents I needed. Then I studied the forms and the ’how to fill in the form’ instruction sheets. Then I got on with it. There is more to do.

It was soon time to pick up T. Then it was off to Waitrose to pick up a couple of things for George. Shortbread biscuits for example.

At 4.20 we left to have tea and cake with George chez Illis. We were late thanks to long hold ups at Streatley lights. The school buses were diverted so there must have been something behind it all. it remains a mystery.

Fleur had made a fantastic chocolate cake. T enjoyed his piece so much, he decided he would have another and then another, and I found him slicing the cake up and chomping his way through it. I donated some fresh cherries. George was showered with gifts including from Lena and Timur.

Timur has enjoyed his first full week at school. Lena had an English assessment yesterday and will have lessons in Wallingford 3 days a week for 2 hours each time. I have no idea who is funding these. Presumably she will mix with other Ukranians at these which will be helpful for her as she will make local contacts.

Even HRH POW thinks someway similarly along my lines

Thought for the Day






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