Tete a Tete

Or thick as thieves?

T just had to corner the Queen and have a little tête a tète. He introduced her to Heidi and explained she had come from Greece and almost certainly had no corgi DNA. The queen was very polite, feigning interest in T’s well drilled prattling.

All this took place at a local coffee morning and I was interested to discover that almost no one else there had been at the jubilee celebrations. Most sharing our / my views on the subject.

But I did gather that the two local occasions were successful and enjoyed by the attendees.

We chatted to various people and ate tasty flapjacks. And wandered home with H.

After a catch up with the News, I decided that the grass had grown for too long and was also far too long without being mowed. It was time. Although it is only a small patch, my walking work out while mowing registered it as 1 km. Or 0.9km to be very precise . The grass was quite long and involved several heavy hodfuls ending up in the garden bin.

A rival machine was busy at work at the same time as I was. So there was something of a duet going on. In different keys.

After the grass, I relaxed a while in the comfy chairs, enjoying the sun and the warm breeze. It was a strong breeze. So strong…

That sent the parasol, ( very heavy) tipping over, almost breaking my arm as I bravely stuck it out to prevent H from being decapitated.

This evening was a bit of a blur because around 16.00, we went to spend a few minutes with Lena and Timur before taking Fleur to her music lesson in Newbury, then grabbing her and dashing back to Wallingford so that she could help coach the U13 hockey team.
A trip to Hobbycraft whilst Fleur tootled allowed me to pick up masking fluid and a watercolour sketch book.

Timur continues to enjoy his first week at school. Lena has to go to the Jobcentre . They have to attend a special centre to get their biometrics done in order to extend their visas to three years. The nearest centres are all booked up well into July, or are miles away. Ali tried to turn the trip into a day out – eg to Bath. Windsor was another possibility if they had not been totally booked up. i suggested she took it up with Laura Farris ( Tory MP for Newbury,) who has been exceptionally helpful, and for whom Ali now has a special direct phone number. To her main helper that is.

We finally made it home, where I threw together spinach, potatoes and prawns as a makeshift supper. Then I fell asleep. In the wrong place of course.

T managed to shut H out again this evening. Idiot. I’m fed up of living with one.

He will be back at Day Care on Friday. I have missed my respite.

Thought for the day

As we age …

Growing old is inevitable, but growing up is optional.

Two elderly women were eating breakfast in a restaurant one morning. Ethel noticed something funny about Mabel’s ear and she said, “Mabel, did you know you’ve got a suppository in your left ear? ” Mabel answered, “I have a suppository?” She pulled it out and stared at it. Then she said, “Ethel, I’m glad you saw this thing. Now I think I know where my hearing aid is.”






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