I slept well, mostly, though I was awake quite early and feeling lively. Well, I exaggerate.
But I was at Streatley Rec with H soon after 06,00, home by 07.00. It was an absolutely stunning morning – blue skies, still, barley corn sunlight, heavy dew.
H and I picked our way down to the river, seeing only one other person. Now that our trip away caused me to dig out my walking sandals, I feel more secure than when I slope out in crocs. Still comfy sandals after hiding away all winter.

We were back home in good time for me to prepare brekkie and to prepare myself for my art class. T was very dozy – probably tired after our full on weekend.
I sneaked out and enjoyed the drive to Abingdon. This week we were focussing on a field of daisies and using masking fluid to keep the petals white. The media we were using was water colour.
This is not finished and would probably be better if begun again . I don’t like the careful arrangement of the flowers. Nor do I like the grasses. can do better.

I was starving when I arrived home, so I stuffed my face with a sandwich and promptly fell asleep. T was… well… I’m not sure what he was doing all day. I could hear suspicious and irritating noises from time to time.
My sleep was deep and long. One of those from which it takes a while to surface. I expect I needed it.
The rest of the day involved a phone chat with Pen, a text exchange with Lena and others, and, at last, a phone chat with Ali. They really have been very busy since arriving back from Mauritius. Stupidly busy, which is why we were overlooked. Until needed. Various hockey commitments, Jubilee street party and. preparation, work , more hockey, refugees and admin for them eg job centre , school, feeding people , people feeding themselves.
And, to top it all, Dave disappeared off to Sweden, on Monday evening, giving Ali about five minutes notice. Sweden! I hope he gets Fika.
Lena has to have her English assessed so she can go to special English lessons for Ukrainians. She is beginning to find other Ukranians locally. And the hunt is on for accommodation for a friend of hers, with two young children, currently living in Warsaw.
Timur had had two full days at school now, which he is enjoying. Fleur met him at the end of the day. ( don’t get that as she is not normally at home herself until after 4.00) What a great kid – new country / new language/ new alphabet and now school. Children start school later in Ukraine.
Ah well… Biris seems to have the backing of Zelensky, if not from all his party. The political one that is. Not more festivities.
Thought for the Day

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