
Slept well last night.

Morning dawned fairly unpleasant and drizzly after all the rain of yesterday.

We were scheduled to return home, check out being at 11.00.

We loved the hotel and the comfort it provided and would happily go there again. Not cheap, but fantastic room and high quality cuisine. And as for dogs…

My main difficulty there with T, were his non-existent navigational skills. For example, for him to find the area where we were to eat a meal, ( it varied each time) or a public loo, was not straight forward. We ate in different bar areas or special residents’ areas. Not the dining room, because the dogs and hotel dining rooms generally do not mix. Or I had to go to the bar if he wanted another drink and to order food. Table service would have made it easier. It was very dog friendly and plenty of dogs were holidaying there.
I suppose I should mention the lack of phone signal and ‘fluttery’ wifi. wifi worked better when everyone was fucked up and fast asleep.

H got a short walk on the beach in the miserable conditions that prevailed.

I thought the clouds were interesting

I made a total mess of the journey home. I thought we might use the A303, for old times’ sakes, so we could drive through Burghclere and see their Jubilee scarecrows for real. We did. But…

There were some holdups, though the journey was not too bad, it just felt long. Stonehenge was busy. The scarecrows were worth the visit. The section from Minehead to Taunton was not busy and was scenic.

It was lovely to be home again. I sent T to water the plants – some were very dry. I had asked for help with this.

I feel quite bitter – family relationships and all that. The damage was done a few days ago. Has been done.

George’s birthday is coming up. He will be 13. I wonder if we will be allowed a visit.

I haven’t heard from any of them significantly since before they left for Mauritius. Almost two weeks ago.

How I wish the post Brexit 90 day rule did not apply. I could run away.

However Pen did ring yesterday, which was nice.

So Biris survives his vote of no confidence. Narrowly. But not for long, I suspect and hope. I think his unsuitability will rumble on until he is deposed. Probably, after the by elections, if the Tory vote is weak.

It is 78 years since D Day . And we have war in Europe again. Another megalomaniac, on the loose, inflicting death and destruction on the innocent.

Thought for the Day

I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full victory! Good luck! And let us all beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.

Dwight D Eisenhower 6 June 1944

I wonder if he delivered it at Greenham…that’s where he was.

From one war in Europe… to another .

Late posting






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