
Yes – 3 nights away in a what appears to be very old, and very charming, and quite pricey, hotel.

Last night was pretty good except I awoke at a very silly o’clock where the digit 4 figured.

I departed the bed to insert some washing to tumble in the dryer. At wicked cost, no doubt, but it was coming away with us. The washed clothing that is to say, not the dryer. Wet clothes would not do.

I drifted back to sleep. And awoke in time to find that the Illingworths had landed safely at around 07.40. During my earlier wakefulness, I noticed they were flying over Crete.

I rose to pack the dry and freshly laundered garments. And a few others as well as H’s stuff. We were ready to depart around 11.00.
Our journey was more or less free of hold ups except for a 20 mile section of lurching progress. I think the whole trip took 15 minutes longer than the two hours forecast.
It has been a warm day without the promised rain.

We arrived at the beach which allowed H to excavate the warm soft sand and to stretch her legs and chase the ball over the pebbly harder sand. She chases it, picks it up, runs with it and randomly drops it. We enjoyed ice cream and a coffee- saving ourselves for supper .

In the absence of a stick supply, due to the lack of trees, T busied himself filling his pockets with an assortment of boulders and smaller rocky things. His pockets hung heavy and he could barely keep upright. My heart sank as he dropped these sandy items into my precious clean boot. I sent him on a distracting errand and quickly removed all this unnecessary clutter.

Something bullish about those rocks
Runs with the ball
Drops it at random
Excavated her hole – with her nose

After our short wander, enjoying the ozone, we headed for our very dog -friendly hotel – she has a bed provided as well as a large bowl. Our ground level room is a delight – spacious and modern – housed in a very ancient building with all sorts of nooks and crannies and hidden gardens. And ups and downs and steps. There are at least two covered courtyards where you can while away time protected from rain. The bathroom is amazing – huge bath and separate shower. We even get a loo! And as for its garden views…
There is no parking, which I knew, although there is a reasonably priced car park a short walk away, and some spaces available along the road, if you are lucky. The village is medieval, with a magical looking castle across the field. And up. Our NT membership will come in handy here.

Hotel garden raised above the rest of the building, with views to the castle
By the garden
The garden
Amazing window – in a little courtyard
In the snug

We enjoyed an excellent evening meal, which was included in the half board option upon which I had splashed out. It being such a busy weekend I just picked the easy option. A good one so far.

Despite or due to being stuck in the car earlier, I felt tired. And achey. I was pleased with the way this much smaller car devoured our luggage, even though there was not much of it. I was also pleased with its fuel consumption; this is our first long trip in it. Comfortable and easy to drive. Porlock hill could be another matter.

Rain is forecast!

Queeny is not feeling too bright apparently. She had to miss the special service in her honour, tottered onto the balcony, but will have to mIss the Derby tomorrow, for about the first time in nearly 100 years. A literal 100. They say its mobility issues. Stick her on a scooter- after all- if she can drive a Land Rover…

Thought for the Day

Mobility Derby
Dressing down
The Royal Carriage






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