Very busy

More of another ’here, there and everywhere’ sort of day. Busy. Never got a chance to stop anywhere for long enough to relax and snooze.

But – I had a really good night’s sleep and felt so much better for it when I woke up – around 06.00, I think.

T was going to day care for a special Jubilee Day, so I posted him at Cholsey around 09.30. And went straight off to Waitrose. There I purchased some items for tonight’s meal for which we (I was) were responsible. Later today, Helen and Martin were due to arrive from deepest Devon. They are cycling the King Alfred’s Way over the next 3 days which wanders from here to Reading to Hindhead and to Stonehenge and Avebury. 350km altogether. I think the official start and end is Winchester, but they have adapted the route.

Despite the absence of Ali and Dave, H and M are still staying at the Illis. But all 4 are ‘suppering’ with us (Timur and L) .

It was lovely to see them again, because the last time we met was in Devon in the Autumn of 2020, when we were homeless.

Earlier in the morning, I gathered up Lena and T once my shopping was done. And L and T and I went to the B and W to enjoy the river and a coffee. Goring sailing club was out and about – surprisingly with boats! And youngsters learning how to manoeuvre them.

Some children learning to sail

Lena is very interesting to talk to about food. They are keen fish eaters and she is very knowledgeable about herbs and spices. Her English is quickly improving too. And as for Timur- this evening – he was switching in and out of English phrasing; short phrases, but with confidence. He is such a bright little boy- I think by the time he has had half a term at school, he will understand most routine things.

I took them home, after time spent in our kitchen, cooking, (crumble and guacamole) and then I gathered T up from his Jubilee day care. Only problem was, he had decided to escape and go walkabout with some others who were leaving. But we caught him! He had obviously had a good day with live music, in response to which he sang … and danced – apparently. Something about doing the locomotion! Well you never know with him.
We walked H on Lardon Chase – it was sunny by now but not too warm.


Following H’s walk , there was a very short period of downtime, before swinging into action to cook the potatoes, finish the guacamole and bake the salmon.

Tony got very confused at this point which lead to a minor outburst of ill temper. It started with him asking where the bin was. I pointed out the kitchen bins but he really wanted the alleyway bins but couldn’t explain this. I suppose if you don’t understand what is going on and can’t remember who potential visitors are, it must be annoying. So general frustration had built up. As annoying for him as it is for me.

Our meal, did, thankfully, taste delicious – and as for the crumble – apple and raspberry. Tasty! Timur and his mum seemed very keen.

Crumble went down well
Helen and Lena in front of Pen’s painting- now known as – Painting for Ukraine – 25 years on

We passed a lovely hour or two together before Helen and Martin ferried L and T back to the Illis where Sky TV allowed them to watch Ukraine defeat Scotland in an important football match. Something to do with the World Cup I think.

Like us, H and M are finding alternative activity for the Jubilee Weekend. Their’s is on two wheels.

Thought for the Day







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