Lots of photos today.
I seem to have acquired a puppy.
One that chews things….
A much better night, thank goodness, though not without its interruptions of strange scrapy noises from somewhere at the end of the bed. Stop imagining things, I told myself. So I stopped and went back to sleep.
Then I started imagining again as I visited the loo in the middle of the night, when the soles of my feet were punctuated by various knobbly things on the floor.
I had words with myself and returned to bed. However the morning revealed all.
Little H, who has not destroyed anything in the 4 1/2 years that she has lived with us, took it upon herself to chew a fuck. Or even a duck. Not any ordinary duck. A special one. A little prettily painted wooden one. The bits were scattered all over the floor lying in wait for me and m delicate feet.
Wearily, I arose, admonishing H on the way and out we went for a quick walk near the river. I still feel washed out every morning.
It was another gloomy morning, around 10C at 07.00. As usual there was no one much about. We wandered down to the river to begin with and ended up returning via the gas station and its freshly baked croissants. Filling up the car caused me to into another sharp intake of breath. The cost!

Upon our return, I fed T and sorted myself out for the day. Abingdon beckoned.
During our Art session today, we focussed on images of Uluru. My practice one was better than my final version due to getting its shape all wrong.

But, as always, I found it utterly relaxing. Once home, I found T had arisen and was up to his usual very irritating mischief. One of the many current irritations involves him opening, and then leaving open wide, every door and every window. In this miserably chilly summer, that means frostbite.
He is determined to use our garden as much as he can. That is a good thing. Except when there are repeated heavy showers. The garden furniture goes in and out like a yoyo. There are two of us. We need two chairs. Not 4,6 or 8. At least he puts it away. When it rains, he seems happy to recline in the shed.
When we are back in the Autumn, I may send him to day care 3 days a week.
It was that sort of time, so I fed us lunch and promptly dozed off. By this time, rain was bucketing down as promised on the forecast. I also awoke with hypothermic toes and fingers. The weather is really most peculiar, and cold. All those street parties could be in peril.
Lena and Timur have been out this morning to some alternative playground with some other kind parents.

Tomorrow, we have visitors to entertain. Lena wants to help with the catering but there is not that much to do.
News of the Illis – Today – a car tour of the island of Mauritius.

And, as for Pen in Devon, well her next illustration MA module requires her to illustrate a story. One she has written! : )) She is also nursing a nasty cracked rib.
Thought for the Day
Burghclere celebrates the Jubilee … they do things properly!

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