
Another interrupted night. I’ll blame the left-over beans and veg which had morphed into vegetarian shepherds pie by the time I had dumped mashed potato on top.

Today dragged on slowly. Lena was doing housework today and I didn’t want to interrupt her efforts so left her to get on with it. And I think she probably needs a bit of p and q after all their outings and visitors.
I spent a while pottering in the garden, relocating my ’T relocated’ plants, but I am running out of inclination to do this much more. He can just make a mess of all my efforts. Mismatching them, cluttering them up too close together, putting them in silly places. Who cares?

Only me.

After quite a while, which involved a fair bit of communication via text with various people, T eventually emerged, ready to take H out. Castle Meadows was as far as we got, and upon arrival, we eyed up the distant cows. Didn’t really want a repeat of our last visit .

But what clearly caught my eye, were the clouds – different shapes and sizes, set against a very deep and bright blue. Sometimes peeping out through the tree canopies.

Castle Meadows
More of the same
Hmm- Ditto
By Shillingford Bridge
Ditto … and, yes, grumpy sky which gave
us rain … not a lot

We have not been to Shillingford since last year- my bugbear being having to pay to park there in the hotel car park- even if you are just picking something up, it will cost you £2.00. Or a £100 fine if you so much as enter to turn round without paying.
Their camera gets you every time. It was of little surprise that the hotel is like Marie Celeste… on a Sunny Sunday late afternoon. Not a great way to attract custom or build a business. That hotel has masses going for it – grassy, spacious banks leading down to the river, a big car park, great location, plenty of rooms. But, you look through the window and see a bleak dining room with white cloths, a knife, fork and spoon and a very unattractive traditional half pint beer glass on each table. No side plates. Looks like they were waiting for a coach party. An impoverished one.

The soda water tasted OK. And the staff were nice. But spots of rain started to fall and the wind was chilly.

We returned home where I attempted to make a magnificent feast. From left overs and additional potatoes. And then watched quite an interesting programme about the Queen and her childhood on TV.

Lena has got brave with Minnie , letting her go off the lead. She and Timur walked to the Rec.

News of the Illis in Mauritius is that George has now passed his PADI dive practical test and can now dive with the rest of the family. He has had to wait a few years for this thanks to Covid.
As for the Roberts – A Levels and GCSE dominate.

Our exclusion by the family, from all of their Jubilee Celebrations has led to my removing us for the duration. That big black cloud is back again.

No one seems to want to walk in my shoes. Unsurprisingly.

Despite my misgivings, Wallingford is now draped in all sorts of flags and bunting and looks quite pretty. Though local objections on behalf of local wildlife and its young have led to the cancellation of a firework display. Victory!

Thought for the Day






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