
I awoke feeling tired, again, though I was in a very deep sleep for much of the night.

I wriggled my way out of bed and engaged the electric kettle and the toaster. And the black currant jam. T was not very lively, nor was little H. So there was no hurry.

Two kind mothers of little boys, at the school, similar ages to Timur, were taking L and T to Beale Park at midday. Lena is looking after Minnie, Freddy (cat), Sephy (hamster) and I rightly suspected that watering plants might have been overlooked.

So I watered our plants and then went over to Streatley did Ali’s. It may seem utterly ridiculous but I find plant watering very soothing. It is something to do with the way the water falls on the dry soil, causing it to swell; and water droplets pepper the leaves. It’s almost as though the plants are saying ’thank you’ and they seem taller and more sturdy almost straight away. Satisfying.

I chatted to Lena for a while and then I gathered up Minnie and took her to our house so we could walk her later. The afternoon weather was all of a warm/chilly dither. But dry. With some sun. The dogs seemed to enjoy their run, but Minnie stole T’s precious stick. The one he had hunted out in a hedgerow. And from thereon it waa a tussle between the two of them.

Timur enjoyed playing with the other boys at Beale Park and Lena seems to have had a good time out too. She is beginning to relax more. She admitted that she was worried about coming here, but as threats worsen over Kyiv and there are more sirens, she knows it is better here for Timur. She can do zoom calls with Oleg every day. Technology is wonderful.

As for the Illis in Mauritius… Dave and G went sailing and overturned their boat, but righted it just as rescue arrived. Twits. There was a 90 minute water polo match with some others. More tomorrow. I think they are off scuba diving tomorrow. G must have completed his practical by now. He did the theory online in the U.K. The others have been refreshed by PADI. His PADI final practical test might be tomorrow.
Minnie was returned home later in the afternoon.

I went to bed really early … not sure what T was doing apart from filling the washing up bowl with the better part of a bottle of fairy liquid. And suds. And a heap of dirty dishes. Hiding scissors and cling film and laying out mats on the kitchen table. All a typical day’s work for him.

Thought for the Day

And forget they are there. That’s my man.






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