I was up and down during the night like a yo yo. Probably thanks to all those beans and other veg which formed last night’s evening meal.
Thus I felt a bit washed up this morning. I battled to get T up and off to daycare and battled to prepare myself. By the time we arrived in Cholsey, the sky was quite blue with some odd, puffy, whitish things hovering around and above.
In fact, the morning was so clear, that I decided to walk H in Cholsey. We wandered through the church yard and then followed the path along the little railway line. In the meantime , hi-speed and lo-speed trains passed on the main railway line. Some were very long and others . were very fast .

H and I then moved onto meet Lena and take her to Tesco’s; she needed items for a picnic at Beale Park tomorrow. Shopping unpacked, off we went to walk the dogs. There was a slight altercation between them because Minnie tried to sit in H’s space and rapidly took herself onto Timur’s car seat. H was not very accommodating!
Things then took a dive and this was where something got lost in translation. It was all over the next walk. I showed Lena where the river was and we walked together along the towpath for a bit. Minnie swam as is her wont. I thought I suggested to Lena that she walk up to the B and W and with Minnie and I would meet her there. L can walk much faster and enjoys it. I explained we could have a coffee there.
Meanwhile I drove there and set off to meet her. I trudged some way along the river towards Streatley. But no sign of Lena, so I trudged back again. An exchange of messages revealed she had been confused and turned back for a cup of coffee at the Swan. And then she had gone home which was all good as she is getting herself about.
I went round and checked she was OK. it was about 14.45 by now. Timur had been invited to stay at school until 15.15 so he could join in the Jubilee tea party they were having.

I picked up T and needed a rest! The second river walk had been warm. In crocs! – sweaty feet etc.

I did not pass the sniff test so took a shower before departing for Ecchinswell to see Sue and Jane. I drove through Burghclere for old times’ sake and noted various single new houses popping up here and there.
However that is nothing compared to the recent planning permission granted for two huge new estates nearby. One will bring Newbury to the Hampshire border and the other will dominate in and around Burghclere just south of Greenham.
My evening out was good and I arrived home around 10.30. We meet an hour earlier these days. So I get home earlier.
H has been quiet all evening – probably knackered. All that walking!
Thought for the Day

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