Ali and Dave and F and G arrived in Mauritius about 02.30 our time. A subconscious clock must have awoken me as I was able to track their plane into land. And then go back to sleep.

The cleaners, who are now Covid free, were due around 10.00 so it was necessary to arise and make sure they could access enough of the house to clean it. I managed to get T up without too much of a battle.
They were like a human whirlwind leaving behind them an interesting collection of hygienic smells.
Usually, we go out whilst the cleaning is being done. But today, I felt completely overwhelmed by fatigue. This is not unusual these days, part of a general malaise that kicks in. Not a throwback to Covid I hope.
I carried out a few gardening chores. Then I sat down outside, in a chilly wind, until I thought I had frostbite. So I crept back inside to sit in a warmer atmosphere. And before I knew it, I had drifted off to a place where the sun shone, the sea twinkled, and I was no longer cold.
At about 14.15, T and I went to the Illis to visit Lena and Timur. His first school visit had taken place between 10.00-1.00. This included lunchtime and his free school dinner. He enjoyed it all which was a relief to Lena. One less thing to worry about, at least her son seems happy – this will also be a relief to those left behind in Ukraine. She is not an overt worrier, but she has enough to think about.
However, she is a runner. She had already taken Minnie out up Streatley Hill this morning for an hour, while she had a run.

T and I visited her for half an hour or so, after Nicky’s visit and before Caroline and Anna were due. I will visit again tomorrow when T is at daycare.
T and I took H to Castle Meadows and got a bit of a surprise when we found ourselves surrounded by cows. Completely surrounded. H found this quite difficult to ignore. She just had to have her say.
My detective powers alerted me to the fact that they were back out for the summer. The clues were in the cow pats. Or splats might be more appropriate. At least we had enjoyed some warmer sunshine. Come on, Weather, it is summer! Face up to it.

We trundled our way home. I threw together a mixed bean stew . It is cooking in the oven and is smelling particularly delicious. It contains quite a lot of garlic. i might just have to eat some.
I did. And guess what happened afterwards? Yes … correct.
Boris seems to be distributing largesse via Richy Rishy. I think it is to distract from his parties.
Thought for the Day

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