Slept well until about 04.30 and then I was restless.
The Illis are now somewhere halfway to Mauritius and will arrive early Thursday at 05.30 Mauritius time. They are 3 hours ahead of us. So it will be 02.30 am here.
Today dawned fairly miserable with dribbles of water doing what they do – dribbling over the car.
I had an appointment with the hygienist. She was pleased with me – I’ve been a good girl using the tepee brushes and water flosser has made a difference.
So my teeth are scraped and polished and are mostly still in situ.
Unsurprisingly, T was not up upon my return home. But he was cooperative and didn’t take that long. And we stuffed H in the car and went to the Illis. There we exchanged H for Lena and Timur. They were still out walking Minnie, but returned, and the plan was to walk H after taking the Ukrainians to Beale Park.
It is years since I was last at Beale Park. George was probably a toddler. It has changed greatly with a wider range of animals and wider range of play equipment. The animal accommodation has also been improved and the Park is going to remain open all year. It used to close from October half term to February half term.
Since it is just the sort of place T and T will enjoy, we also took out an annual pass. My big kid can spend all the time he wants there. And not get seriously lost. Timur has been invited there on Saturday with two boys from his class. I didn’t want to spoil his trip so we just took an orientation walk around the Park. It was raining quite unpleasantly by now and I did not stay dry.
Timur seemed quite excited by it all and Lena was also impressed. He is the most delightful little boy – happy to repeat English names and phrases. He learns fast.

As we were leaving the Illis, one of the primary school’s reception staff passed us and greeted Timur in a very friendly way. he has his two mornings at school – tomorrow and Friday. Lena has slightly mixed feelings – she wants him to go because he is missing his friends from home and needs the stimulation and learning. But she will miss him. It is half term next week.
We rescued H and took her down to the river at Streatley for a little wander. By now, the rain had stopped and it was sunny and quite warm.
The weather this summer (?) is noticeable for its quirkiness, unreliability and constant change. I shut T up with a drink at the Swan. And we returned home.

Biris seems to have wriggled out of partygate. His tentacles (and probably his testicles) control and reach far and wide. Scotland Yard’s enquiry seems to have been a cock up. Ha! Matches the victim. Apologies from Boris are meaningless and do not cut the mustard.
Our thoughts are with the people of the US school community which is the latest scene of a school massacre. That Gun Lobby and its supporters must bear responsibility.
The evening- well it came and went in chilly fashion.
Update Thurs am – Illis are safe in Mauritius
Thoughts for the Day

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