Bisham Abbey

Terrible night’s sleep . I fell asleep in the early evening on the sofa, made my way to bed soon after 21.00 and was awake at 0100. I had missed a phone call from Ali who is really up against it.

They leave for Mauritius very early Weds morning. She has her own work to organise, her refugees to organize and F and G to run to various commitments this evening.

To cut a long story short , we are taking F to Bisham which will give Ali about 4 hours back and F gains a couple of hours too.

Predictably, I fell asleep again, once it got to around 04.00. And awoke just before 07.00. It was raining. And miserable.

Tuesday is Art day so I needed to get H out for a short walk. We drove to the Rec at Streatley where she wandered off the cinder track and I wandered on it. The ghastliness of the weather and the wet grass put me off a trip to the river. I threw the ball for H instead which caused her to move in a sprightly manner. She is good at chasing a ball but omits to bring it back.

After this, the morning went to plan. I abandoned T and drew some pretty flowers in oil pastel. I am definitely the special needs one.
The owners of the franchise that run the courses, which are international, are in bother. It does not really surprise me. I felt uncomfortable doing Maori tattoos last week. Reports from New Zealand indicate the Maoris are unhappy about it too. The bother arises from our use of their traditional decoration – I think it is regarded as not PC. We have been asked not to post work on social media, which is a bit late for me.

During the morning, some heavy showers fell and more are forecast.
I arrived home, starving. I had no brekkie. T was up, lurking. So I fed us both and then the absence of sleep last night took its revenge.
We are off out around 18.00 to take F to Bisham and will be back quite late.

Bisham. Needed binoculars!

Tomorrow brings the dentist or the hygienist. Hacker woman.

Boris seems to lurch from one crisis to another and then back again. All entirely of his own making. And then something new crops up. I think anyone with any sort of intellect has had enough of his machinations. We sort of wonder what new, preposterous lie will plop out of one of his orifices next. Its a shame he can’t take a step back and see what a pantomime villain he is.

T was away with the fairies for much of the time that I was with him today . Alarmingly, he couldn’t remember who we had taken to Bisham, nor what F’s name was. Perhaps we are in deterioration spiral. As i said. Alarming.

Thoughts for the Day






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