A restless night, knowing I had not completed the bean bag, so there was only one thing for it. Get up and sort it. So, at about 04.30, that is what I did.
The bits I needed to finish were the closing up of the top and bottom where all the pieces meet, and putting something over it all to hide the mess. The ‘mess hiders’ were union jack fabric circles. They proved to be a bit more complicated than I expected because the fabric was quite flimsy, so I lined it. I hope the Ukrainians do not have relatives in the rag trade because I am definitely unskilled.
Alex has prepared their loft room for her visitors and made it so attractive. There is a corner where Timur’s bed fits. Eleanor has the main bed area. They have room for a table and two chairs for craft work, writing etc, or if , on occasions, they want to eat up there. Meal arrangements and ground rules will all need sorting out. And Ali is looking for the loan of a small fridge. ( despite the fact she has 3 of her own) . They are, of course, welcome to eat as part of the family. But some meal times may not suit Timur. He is only 6.

I took T to his ’social club’ which he seems to have enjoyed. I was flummoxed by an unforewarned road closed notification which meant my 7 minute journey became a 15 minute one. There appeared to be a good mix of people there today – including those who just wanted company; the physically frail ; and those with cognitive issues. Severe dementia cases attend on a Tuesday afternoon when there are more staff to support them.
Anyway T seemed to be ’in there’ when I gathered him up, less bemused than previously, and, quite happy.
The morning was wet and horrid which meant H did not get much of a wander. I was also a bit short of time. So I took her with me for a quick run around a local field before I picked up T. By now, it was warm and sunny and I felt overdressed.
T was certainly overdressed, and no sooner had he arrived home and flung open the doors, than the sun hid and the clouds popped along, with their best friend – rain.
I was feeling bit wobbly by then but failed to catch up on missed sleep.
So the afternoon and evening passed somehow.
Ali met Elena and Timur at Luton, and they are now Streatley residents. From what I have heard, they appear likely to be delightful guests. Timur is already a huge fan of Minnie – dogs are such good companions. The visitors are very grateful. There was a box of gifts awaiting them from the local support group as well as all that Ali has done. Timur has started on learning hockey! And is the latest supporter that Leeds United have.
And at the airport …

And that’s their first afternoon and evening in the UK. Now safe and away from the turmoil of the sirens and repetitive trips to and from basements and shelters. Able to travel out and about, secure in the knowledge they won’t hear or see missiles. But displaced by fate apart from those they love.

Thought for the Day

Moving on …

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