Should have known better

The day became busy!

I had a rather bad night with a longish period of wakefulness. Not that it really bothered me. I just let it all wash over me.

Hanging over me was the need to get H to the vet for 09.50 and for a walk before that. All sorts of chores were lying in wait for me. The pants at the front needed water despite last night’s short and noisy storm. Plants!! Not that much rain fell. A sink full of firty fishes was a bit of an eyesore and the dish washer required emptying. As for the Miele and the carpet. (tick) Correction – dirty dishes.

There was a mass of my clothes to sort out in the bedroom (still is) and the sofa cushions needed swapping round. The grass still needs cutting. (Tick) Recent rain has meant it is growing uncomfortably fast. But it looks better. T needed brekkie. Etc etc

I did water the pants using my new technique. This involves dragging the hose, which is attached to an outside tap by the backdoor, through the house and out through the front door. It is an expanding hose in a fabric casing and so far there has been no leakage. This slightly risky technique avoids having to bundle the hose over the fence and into the adjacent alleyway and then dragging it to the front of the house. And then reversing the procedure. This also avoids exposing our activities to W and B.

This plant for one, is grateful – so are the rest- . now

H and I walked around Sheepcot Field, AKA Goring Rec. Our walk had to be somewhere free of any delicacies that might attract H to roll in them, so she would remain sweet smelling for the Vet.

The vet appeared to be aged about 12. She was utterly delightful. And administered the kennel cough vaccine with a well timed squirt up her nose. This took H entirely by surprise. I think she was suspicious from the start because she spent the few minutes we waited covering her exit opportunities.

Back home, I prepped some food and prepared myself for a trip out to meet carer friends in Hermitage Garden Centre. T has had plenty of time to make successful mischief. Which he has!

The get together was successful. It was lovely to see everyone again. Only one person was missing. I’m not sorry. She is a law unto herself and her own worst enemy.

After purchasing another orange plant and some lobelia, I returned home. We will see Val on Sunday because she is joining us to watch Comedy of Errors. Eleanor’s Simon’s theatre company are performing , minus Simon. But he has arranged the music.

It was once home, that I really should have known better. The untidy lawn got to me. I needed to mow it. There and then. I had had had enough of it. But the mower has cables and this was all too much for T. I think I usually mow it when he is still in bed.

There is nothing like trying to mow the grass at the same time as the mower cable and the extension reel cable are being wound up. After a couple of hints that this was not helpful, the big sulk stormed off into the house muttering.

And the great Ukranian news of the day… Once through border checks between Ukraine and Poland, which took all night, Elena and Timur had a good journey to Warsaw. Now they are free of sirens and trips to underground shelters. And danger. Hopefully. But very sad at leaving the family behind.

Their flight to Luton is booked and they should arrive at 13.45 tomorrow.

I still have the bean bag to finish. But it should not take too long.

I hear Vangelis has died- the composer that is. Sad – Carrots of Fire is a great tune.

Congratulations to Pen for gaining a distinction in her last MA module.

And they have exchanged contracts at last on their house move.

All very exciting.

I’m feeling like a cow no flies on me! Or rather – there are lots – where have they come from ?
Very itchy eyes this evening… hay fever? But then I’ve never had it before.

Beanbag finished

Naughty Thoughts for the Day

Cable ties for idle hands seemed like a good idea






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