Mini Emergency

A good sleep again. Usual sort of 05.00 awakening and success with Quordle for a change. The other two usually allow success but quordle…well… it gives as good as it gets.

I received a ’help’ call from Ali. Dave was leaving for Germany, but the small car had a flat tyre, and, as a result, he needed to leave in the big car. This left Ali waiting for the AA to fix the tyre; needing to be in for them; needing to get to work, and because of all the ’needs’ she was unable to walk Minnie.

So, I got myself going and picked up Minnie, and the three of us – M, H and myself set off for Little Wittenham. We were not alone!
It was a beautiful T-shirt morning, Sunny and pleasantly warm. The dogs certainly moved themselves; even H shifted her arse. Minnie always does.
Lots of dogs and their human pets were out and about. Probably because they wanted to avoid any later heat that the day might bring. Even though it was not forecast. And it never arrived.

A clump
Distant Berinsfield
Looks like muddy trouble
Muddy trouble personified

These new ponds are intended for newts and other such creatures – not great galumphing dogs. I had already secured Minnie because I knew she would streak through the water. But I had not considered the possibility that H would want a dip! A muddy one at that. Hippo style! She has a routine visit to the vet booked for tomorrow so will require a grooming session.

Back home, she was hosed down which she did not appreciate. Ungrateful huzzy. Then she gathered up the bones strewn around the garden, ones in which she had shown no interest for several weeks, and protected them from an unpredatory Minnie. Minnie who is so generous with all her possessions! Not only is H a huzzy but also a shrew!

I made sandwiches and pulled out the garden furniture and relaxed a while in the sun. The grass needs cutting. I would do it later. Only I did not.
I had returned inside for a news catch up which led from one thing to another and in no time at all I had mislaid a large chunk of the afternoon.

Once again, it was the hypothermia that had set in, which awoke me. Thank you T for leaving the doors wide open and freezing me.

The dogs were very quiet all day for some reason or other.
It was soon time to return Minnie and to pick up Fleur. The trip to Newbury was straight forward. So was our return with a chinese takeaway which kept hot despite the travel.

There were some bangs and crashes, as forecast around 23.00.

Spectacular enough

Ukranian refugee news – they had reached the Polish border late this evening, having mistakenly left behind most of Timur’s toys. It looks like the people (not the toys) are on their way. Ali has a fair supply of left over toys and has had some new ones gifted to her. Unfortunately G approaches his teens ( 13 in a couple of weeks) and his only ’toy’ interest is Nerf guns in which he obsesses. And has even printed his own 3D efforts and accessories. Elena might not be too keen to let Timur into Nerf gun world. A sensitive issue I suspect.

In fact, I barely recognised George as we drove past him yesterday. He has done what all small boys do- turned into a bloke!

But their garden contains a wealth of excitements – a climbing hut thingy though I think the swings have gone. A seriously huge trampoline. Table tennis, a netball goal. An above ground swimming pool which will go up soon.

And then there is the amazing grand construction in progress. The man/boy shed that Dave is building. It is an edifice of great wonder.
And we have baby foot and swing ball.

Thurs am

Ukranian update – they queued all night to cross border but have now passed security checks and are in Poland.

Further update – Thurs – they are now in Warsaw . Awaiting a link up with a friend. They are very tired having lost two nights’ sleep, but at least are away from sirens and danger.

Thought for the Day






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