Firing Squad

GOOD LUCK to Frankie and Evie who start their A Levels and GCSEs today.

I went to bed very late after the Eurovision debacle.  It’s all been computerised since I last watched it way back in the Fark Agrs. Or Dark Ages.  
I must admit to liking Ukraine’s song, and also the UK one which came second. But then, it was penned by Amy Wadge who wrote the Keeping Faith music which I love.

The Ukraine song has a new and moving video version of images of women during the current war. The song is called Stephania and was originally written for one of the performers’ mother. See link below.

The night was not very interrupted, and, once awake, I performed the usual wordling, quordling and waffling.  Quordle was not successful because I was tripped up by delta. But Waffle was ultra successful with at least 5 stars. And brekkie featured.

The day seemed very uninteresting and gloomy and I noticed spots of water on the car. Aha, Rain! I thought, using all my best detective skills. I received a further notification, that intimated that from midday onwards it would be wet. 80% precipitation appeared to confirm this. This focussed my mind somewhat, because I didn’t particularly want to give H a good soaking.

So, off we went to Wallingford where we enjoyed an almost peaceful walk around Castle meadows. All the poodles alerted me to the fact that it had clearly rained cats and certainly dogs there last night. A pity Moulsford was not similarly drowned.

However, our peace was shattered by intermittent action from the local firing squad, which was practising mass assassination techniques. In the distance somewhere. RAF Benson being top of the list of likely suspects

It was a bit chilly but very enjoyable. H is enjoying the generally warmer weather, because the patio doors are open, so, along with H, herself, the outside can come in. Along with dead leaves, dried grass and other bits of rubbish.

busy on walk

Something to do with running is happening in Moulsford, or through Moulsford, to be absolutely precise. More use of my increasingly honed detective skills, which were pointing to the fact that pink faced people in shorts with numbered bibs, were likely to be in a race. A towpath race. A few scattered marshalls supported this theory. And the final indisputable piece of evidence was a big neon sign, with RUNNERS spelt out in big black letters.

The day went rapidly downhill after that. It started to pour with rain and became quite chilly. Hibernation seemed like a good idea. Such a contrast to yesterday. I actually cooked some lunch at lunchtime – a fairly rare event.
I enjoyed a long chat with Brenda and am looking forward to seeing the group on Thursday. And then I fell asleep – recovering from that late night.

Tomorrow, T will revisit his ‘Social Club.’ I have warned him but I am not sure he can remember it. He didn’t demur – just asked where I would be.
I may go to a Coffee Morning for Ukranians and those hosting them. Ha ha! why involve me? Because Ali and Dave will be away soon after they arrive. If ever they do.

Speaking of which, latest plans ..,

Thought for the Day

Its Monday morning … annoying behaviour gives rise to the wrong intentions… ( mild version)






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