Fabulous sleep last night. A brief interruption and then straight back to sleep. Flexing, brekkie, shower etc, all done. Even T arose sensibly and in time for me to get him to his new ‘social club’ for a day out. ( Aka day care)
He wandered in quite happily and chatted away to goodness knows who, about goodness knows what. The attendees do not all have dementia, some are just old or disabled. I had some forms to fill in and then sneaked away for around 4/5 hours.
I walked H, at Castle Meadows, and then took myself to the Village Cafe for a roll and a coffee. Not a forward roll, an egg one. Sadly our Saint Helens friend was not there.
I then came home for a strange hour or two. Very strange, with nothing to stress about, apart from making sure I stayed awake to pick up T. It was an odd sensation. I can’t remember when I last had time to myself at home, here or at BV, without having to nag him to be ready for something or other, or without the mental torture of wondering what he was up to.
He seemed to have had a good time. They had some sort of musical entertainment during the afternoon. He told me that he thought they had musicians, that he thought he had chatted to people and that he thought he ate a bit of lunch. He definitely had told the deputy manager she was crazy. He will go every Monday and Friday. To start with.
Upon returning home, Burt was outside with their new puppy called May. She is very beautiful at 8 weeks old and will get a lot of love. But probably not a lot of exercise. Not that she needs much at the moment. Some sort of Jack Russell / spaniel cross.

We dashed up to Alis, for a brief visit, sitting in the garden where the sun was baking hot. They are preparing their terrace to put up the pool.
I made curry for tea / from a packet masala sauce and a pile of vegetables. Being in a sensible mood for a change, I chopped all the veg earlier and cooked the rice, so it only took a few minutes to cook at the appropriate time. No overcooked manky veg, just freshly stirfried ones retaining a hint of crispness. And it was just the job as I crunched my way through broccoli stalks – I really enjoy them in their own right. Odd though that may seem!
It was Evie’s last full day at school today. She has GCSEs and Frankie has A Levels. Both girls have had their education messed up. Frankie never had a ’last’ day at school where you fancy – dress up. Nor did she have a school Prom. Nor exams. Her lower school experience finished very suddenly on March 20 2020. (our 49th wedding anniversary)

Sadly, Evie is also giving up gymnastics after about 8 years of 12 hours per week, performance at a high level, and perseverance through Covid. This year has been fairly wasted for her as both her partners have been injured or ill. The other base – seriously ill. I think all the hard work started to feel futile and her situation was not well managed . But she has gained the most tremendous amount out of it, learning great discipline. And acquiring grace and elegance. And a fine 6 pack. I suppose she might yet return one day. As a coach possibly. Or might turn to dance.
News from Ukraine –

Ali has built up a tremendous relationship with the family. Fingers crossed it works out. Timur had a dental appointment booked for February but the Russians invaded and they left Kyiv etc.
So it is a bit of an emotional evening, which I slept through, picking up messages early in the morning.

Thought for the Day

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