RAIN / STINKS – its all going on –

And then there is me – going potty! A day of T up and about is more than enough!
The sleep was reasonably good though the night was more chilly than of late.

I knew tomorrow was going to be busy with lots of small commitments taking place.
After some flexing, I showered and headed for Goring with H in tow. I was able to park by the vets so nipped in there to pick up the flea and worm tabs that H is due to take.

Just by chance, I popped into Goring Grocer which seems to have found its way out of the doldrums that it was in a few months ago, when I last visited. Maybe this had happened because of a newish staff member, one who lives at the end of our road. He used to work at the B and W, doing something important. I hadn’t seem him there recently. Now I know why. He is at GG.

It was grey and rainy as we headed for a walk at Gatehampton. Certainly wet enough to require me to don waterproof clothing. It has been a couple of weeks since we last walked there and I was struck by the gloom that the trees, now in full leaf, cast over the parking area. what a contrast to the sunny walks of late. But hey, we really need that rain.

Because of the rain, and the presence of large creatures of bovine species, the walk was short of the full length. There were also time constraints. No one else was out walking their humans for some reason or other!

Lovely weather

I found T more or less dressed when I arrived home and we pottered off to the coffee morning at the Pavilion. I’m beginning to feel one of the crowd now.

We chattered away to various people and then went to Root One nearby garden centre for a few remaining plants . Those, we stuck on the tarmac at the front of the house, to enjoy the rain which was still pittering down. I have three lovely orange plants which are destined for the same pot.

I am puzzled by something very stinky nearby. If you live with someone who insists on opening every window and door, even when it’s pouring with rain and chilly, then the air introduced to the house brings with it whatever is going on outside. Today’s eau’de is odour cow poo. Very strong and lots of it. Muck spreading is the culprit. Why can’t they sweeten it up a bit?

A little sit down time followed before reintroducing the Miele to our carpets. The clean team have cancelled tomorrow’s visit due to Covid. Allegedly. There was something going on with them anyway as they were going to be a bit late.

So, with Penny due to visit for one night only, I found myself faced with even more housework, How annoying is that!

Thurs am

Well what a riotous night we 4 enjoyed at 5 Little Pigs in Wallingford last night. Mother, Father and two daughters. Thank you Pen as you paid for it. Food was yummy and waiting staff great. The chief member of staff looking after us is setting up his own eco business with solar panels , heat pumps etc etc. The idea is they take your site – listen to what you want and tell you what is practical/ sensible/ affordable etc. Amongst other things . Nuheat – he had approached but not got far. Might be time for another try!

Looking out

News from Ukraine – Timur has had a very nasty tooth infection which needed urgent treatment and more is required today. He has bern busy repacking their suitcases with important and necessary items such as dinoSaurs. whilst getting rid if his mother’s underwear.

They were /are supposed to be getting night bus to Poland tonight but it depends on Timur’s fitness to travel.

Thought for the Day






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