
The night was alright but not amazing. I was awake at some silly o’clock again. (03.15) It rather serves me right, because drinking 2 litres of water during the evening is not very sensible. I did drift in and out of sleep until it was time to leave my bed for the day ahead.
I arose stiff and wobbly, and flexing was half hearted. Showered, H and I wandered over to the Rec. It was dull and gloomy but not cold. A few spots of rain fell though they were impotent in the face of its recent absence. However H realised what she needed to do and did it. No muddy paws today.

The drive to Abingdon served to highlight that this is the very best time of year. The soft greens of the fields and trees, the fast growth of crops and the neon yellow of rape and the more golden colour of buttercups. I prefer the hedgerows and roadsides at this time of year, but the mellow shades of mid to late summer fields are more subtle. They reflect a year that is all but done.

BUT! There was a heavy (real) load of rain that fell on the way . There were puddles on the way home but not much seems to have fallen over number 14.

Art was very relaxing respite … today we were looking at fairly old aeroplanes. And drawing them ( after a fashion) in pencil.
Two hours later …

One more week of pencil drawing to go. Portraits – ugh.

I like the fact there are fewer people there this session. It means there are fewer people who produce better work than mine! Most do!

I felt quite sleepy driving home. T was up, enjoying sun in the garden. I cooked up some lunch which involved turning the oven on and off.
And then I promptly fell fast asleep for a couple of hours which brought me to this evening.

I could list all the things I intended to do this afternoon… … …

Prince Charles took the place of his mother, reading out her speech at the state opening of Parliament. His enthusiasm was utterly negative and his delivery as though there was a gun at his back.

News from Ukraine – there is none. Apart from reminding us of the fact that Ukraine supplies a lot of the world with wheat and oil. Oh – and Pootin might let loose a nuclear weapon. I think he probably has the UK in his sights.….

Thought for the day






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