A reasonable night with an early awakening and some exercise etc and then I fell asleep again. This is beginning to become a bit of a pattern. I’m not really sure what I did in the morning, but T did get up at a reasonable time..
I spent more time on the dreaded attendance allowance form and also have booked T in for a day care trial on Friday, I need to have a little chat with the organisers to create a ’package.’ to do with his care. For my pains, he will get a 2 course lunch and I pay £15.00. Feels like a bargain to me – a five minute drive away, hopefully? he is amused and fed for about 5 hours. Or maybe, fed and amused. I pray he enjoys his trial day.
It was trying to be sunny, but a pleasant breeze took the edge off any sticky heat. it was just warm. with a few clouds drifting around. We headed for Little Wittenham but extended the same walk, of the other day, deeper into the woods. Earth Trust manage the landscape rather well. We visited the ponds that were newly created over a year ago. There is not a lot of water there at the moment due to the lack of rain. But a few lilies are appearing and there were a couple of ducks paddling around.
Having cut a lot of trees down to create space for the ponds, these have now been replaced with lots of treelings. And smart, but roughly hewn, fences, probably constructed from the massacred trees, now surround the area.
And, best of all, there is a bench to sit on. Thank you to Phyllis, who ’loved and worked in this location‘ for popping her clogs so her husband could provide memorial seating for my backside.
H pottered around in more thick grassy mud at the edge of an unlandscaped stream. More mud caked her legs and paws which led to another paw shower once we arrived home. Another one she did not enjoy.
We visited the Beetle and W for lunch. I could not believe that at 14.15 on a Monday, it was so busy. All the better outside tables were occupied, but we found a comfy bench. And we enjoyed a very good lunch. The river was equally busy with some eye-catching water craft ploughing the Thames wave. These included a couple of beautifully restored wooden cruisers and a narrow boat of modern construction. Just the job for me.
We returned home to reward H with her paw shower and to relax. Well I relaxed and T fiddled. The garden received another dose of water from the hose.

Didn’t do much with the rest of the day. Watered the plants and the grass. The back door key has gone missing again!
Thought for the Day

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