I had quite a decent night’s sleep; did early brekkie and exercise and went back to sleep again. Oops- I forgot I also sorted out the clothes washing and the dish washer! I awoke later, in response to a phone call.
And then I stayed awake. For the rest of the day. Even. My morning was spent enjoying the sun, getting far too hot and then T came along and erected the parasol. It took a while … the emplacement … the erection etc etc. Once it was up it was very much cooler.
I took H for a quick stroll. Just in case… She searched out shade upon our return.
I whiled away quite a bit of the morning admiring my gardening efforts of the last few days. I even started to feel cool – Then lunch.
Next, I started to watch Life after Life which Eleanor had recommended. It is interesting and thought provoking. The main character (my namesake – Ursula) reminded me of Frankie, in appearance. The various lives and deaths are quite confusing, but it is a well acted period piece.
T finally had arisen and was showered and at around 18.00, in the cool of the evening, we finally left to take H for a walk.
Castle Meadows was our destination. The evening was glorious. We noticed three hot air ballons in the distance as we left Moulsford. The Meadows was very meadowy and the buttercups were taking over from the dandelions. The red kites were busy overhead and a few dogs and their pets were out and about. The balloons joined us at the Meadows.

I encountered a man on a strange bit of equipment – a bit like a segway. It was a skateboard riding on an inflated tyre which was controlled by his body movement and balance. It even had lights – bright white at the front and red at the back. And he was riding / steering it on bumpy meadow grass.

H found the remains of a pond in the same bit of meadow. The water had largely evaporated, but there were boggy bits as H discovered to her surprise. A casual glance towards her feet revealed thickish mud clinging to them.
A paw shower would be needed. And that is what happened when we arrived home. H was not very impressed, although it was only her paws that ended up a bit wet.
Ukranian refugee news … not a lot Ali is beginning to wonder whether they were having 2nd thoughts. But they now have bus tickets to Warsaw for 12 May. They wanted to avoid travel around 9/5. out there, it is expected that Putin might rename his special operation as what it is – War! Evil, nasty personage.
Thought for the Day

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