Funny Old Day

It’s been an annoying one – T has been in determined mode. Determined to do irritating things.

I had another terrible night’s sleep, so I more or less gave up and made a long list of notes to do with filling in the Attendance Allowance form. There are pages of it. And pages. Help will be required. And a lot of it is repeated.

I made some brekkie, did some flexing and went back to sleep.
And then there was Wordle and Quordle, and Waffle. And results to share.

I was in Lidl by about 10.30, detetmined to be in time for some of their brown bread. Ha ha. They had the miniature version (rolls) but not the big round brown loaves I wanted. I ended up laden with fruit and veg, we were a bit low on such items. Its always a bit hit and miss in Lidl, but their fruit and veg are good value. Just things are not always available.

We had to stay in to receive a delivery from Cook. It was a bit late arriving! But we were not inconvenienced. I spent the time waiting, pottering in and around the garden and took H for a quick walk, a just in case sort of walk.

The morning had started off cool and uninviting. The sky was deceptive and made the day look warmer than it was. I had flung all the doors open inviting the outside inside. That was a mistake! The outside couldn’t wait to cool off the inside.

T was annoying bringing the old camping furniture out, including the ladder platform, when we have comfy expensive recliners. And proper tables. I walked away after he loudly insulted me, which the neighbours must have enjoyed. His presence is sometimes unbearable.

I gave myself a chunk of the afternoon, whilst my irritation defused and he got himself up. And then we both took H for another walk late in the afternoon.

This was lovely. It was around 16.30 and the day now carried the appropriate warmth so that it was more plausible. Very pleasant in fact, with a soft breeze. The countryside is now at its very best. Blossom adorns the trees, hawthorn and sloe. Cow parsley carpets the grass verges and between the deep yellow of buttercups, and the garish neon yellow of rape, the fields are also interspersed with greens.

We were able to park at Little Wittenham. We found a new circular route to make the field walk more interesting. Earth Trust have been busy managing the landscapes. They do this really well and have cleared and re-fenced a track with naturally available twigs and branches. Skilled work which will create a living fence.
The views were stunning as ever and the bleating of new lambs assailed our ears.

A clump
New natural fencing
Finding a stick

Little lambs – Dorchester

Ali has been to London for the day for a university reunion – 28 years on. They were mostly in the same corridor in their halls of residence – first year. First week, even.

Sloth followed!

Thought for the Day

Much as I would like one of these round the garden
These have given me food for thought

Perhaps I will start with the shed! Something more subtle perhaps .






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