I slept very well! No Gordon Ramsay and broken down cars. But I was up and active around 05.00 because I had lots to do because today is the day Art resumes.
So I poured liquid into both of us and early brekkie into T. I waggled my legs and then took H on a quick one to the Rec and back. There were not many people or animals about. Only next door and his dogs who H just had to try and put in their place. Nothing like trying to get one over on a Great Dane. Or Great Dane +2 sidekicks.
It was a grey day – Nothing to excite me about it. Or entice me. I felt heavy and tired.
I wandered up the alleyway to investigate what Tracey was on about, yesterday, re the garden clippings and the brown bin. The clippings seemed to have been trimmed off the hedge that was poking through someone else’s fence on the far side of the alleyway. Nothing to do with us or Tracey, next door, as far as I could see. I could see their bin was loaded with similar debris so I added most of the remainder to ours. I’m still not sure why I was expected to tidy someone else’s garden debris. There is still a largish branch to dispose of.
It was soon time to depart for Abingdon and Art. I negotiated my way through a heavy rain shower and hoped it visited Underhill too. And that it would remove most of the pigeon shit off the car back window. It was resistant to my attempts to scrape it off yesterday, and I resolved to wet it. But not with windscreen wash. I’d used enough of that.
It was good to be back at Art. There were only half a dozen new beginners and 10 returners. So a smaller group, which is apparently par for the course in summer. The only 4 new returners were us four musketeers from our table from last term. The others present were previously returners.
Today we went to Australia and drew the Sydney Opera House. Mine featured the Tardis visiting. I still have work to do to the sky . And to the Tardis ! And the SOH seems to have reconfigured its sails. Three weeks with pencils coming up.

Back home, I discovered the rain shower had ignored Moulsford, which was a shame. T was still in bed which was a relief because there was no fiddling to worry about.
So, I was able to sneak in and make sandwiches and continue the day in relative peace. H seemed fairly content, so laziness prevailed.
Eleanor sent me pics of Kally who has been shampooed and set. She looks lovely…

Cruise missiles are rumoured to have been fired at Kyiv, Lviv and Odessa. Our refugees, report a railway facility was hit. They hope to be in UK early next week.
UPDATE: Weds am – yesterday 6 rail stations and 3 power stations were hit in Lviv. Our refugees have no power or water. They had revised their travel plans anyway; to travel by bus, not by train.
Pen rang / lucky person has Ofsted in tomorrow. Good luck tomorrow. Been there, done that.
A chat with her yesterday revealed considerable difficulties over the purchase of the house down the road. The vendor is intransigent in the extreme. The conveyancing has been going on for months and P and D have reached the stage where enough is enough. They have been ready to exchange for weeks but the vendor won’t commit or get out.
The News is all about local elections. I hope Boris and co get a good kicking.
Liverpool are doing well! Footy! A great escape yesterday.
Thought for the Day

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