People in the wrong places

I vote to abolish bank holidays. Today is a bank holiday.

And this lot, pictured below, have at least apologised for disturbing my peace. However, I have not taken kindly to one of their children deliberately blowing a life jacket whistle (except its not a life jacket) at Heidi. Buoyancy Aid- I think that is the correct term. She encouraged her gang to do the same. That child was asking for trouble. I gritted my teeth and refrained from telling her what I thought. Or even asking her rationale for doing it. (I’m very stupid is the obvious answer) However, H was very well behaved. Immaculately.

And, as this group had their fun, they certainly disturbed my peace. Murderous thoughts crept into my mInd.

Moving back in time … My night was dreadful. I had the misfortune to suffer a dream/ nightmare involving Gordon Ramsay and something to do with the car and it being dark. And the car not working. This continued on and off through the night. it was very disturbing and I felt exhausted when I woke up, so that after a few hours out of bed, I fell asleep again.

T showed no interest in arising. A facebook post to a dementia group took me by surprise.

Until he licked it

Today was a story of lots of people in the wrong places . There were walkers, joggers, cyclists, paddle boarders and all sorts littering car parks, roads, towpaths. You name it and ’they’ were there underfoot And it was not even nice weather. Dull. But not cold.

I tried to walk H on Lardon Chase on the way to the farm shop. But the car park was full. I tried to walk her on the way back but the car park was still full.

In the end, we walked from Ferry Lane in Cholsey as far as my layby bench, which was pleasant enough, until buoyancy-aid-whistle girl and her friends landed. And then, that was that.

Back hime again, T has only just got out of bed and is busy chaoticking in the kitchen.
Tracey came round asking us to put some cuttings or other in our garden bin. I’m not sure what cuttings they are or why they have to go in our bin nor why we have to do this. As far as I’m aware, we have nothing that needed cutting back unless it was in the alleyway. All will be revealed.

I have taken time and trouble to cook for T. Utter waste of time. T is fiddling whilst his supper goes cold. I have finished mine. As for Nero … Rome would have been cinders…

Nothing attracted us on TV his evening, though I have read Navalny is a must watch.
Tomorrow will require an early start and a quick dog trot.

Thought for the Day






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