I had a very good sleep and awoke to brightish daylight.
Eleanor appeared a few moments later to join me over a hot drink. And weetabix – for her. T appeared to muddy the waters trying to show he was doing something useful which was actually nothing at all. Well, he tunefully sang Happy Birthday to E , a nice way to start her birthday. Maybe? Possibly? He quickly lost the plot and retreated whence he had come.
Eleanor and K set off for a walk towards Wallingford intending to use the non-existent towpath through Moulsford. Well she joined it the other side of Moulsford Prep. I offered to meet her there with the cat, should she get that far. Or even the car.
It was not long before I received a text from Eleanor saying yes please to the meet up.
Rather than sit around at home, I gathered up H and we walked a quick round of Castle meadows, whilst waiting to hear from E. It was sunny and quite warm by now. We eventually met up at the Boat House Pub in Wallingford and returned home.
There we had outside brunch – poor old E has had a sandwich for lunch every day. But I have turned my hand to producing something different each evening. Not exactly hair cuisine, or even haut cuisine, and usually fish based. Seconds were often taken.
E departed around 12.15 and was home before 15.00 despite holiday traffic.
I confess to a bit of a snooze, once lunch was done . I paid for it when I discovered that T had massively interfered again, this time, with my new gardening kit of seeds, compost, pots and planting instructions, scattering it all far and wide. incandescent with rage does not describe my reaction. He is hiding/sulking at the moment whilst I calm down. Does it really matter? YES IT DOES! I don’t know where my other seeds etc went.
T eventually emerged from his sulk, by which time I had reunited my seed packets and pots and compost and instructions from Pot Gang. I have tomatoes, mint and a curious cucumber/melon hybrid called …cucamelon.

Eleanor introduced me to a couple more daily word games which are calculated to challenge you in the same way that Wordle does, but are harder. Quordle and Waffle. And there are various others though I have decided Secordle is a step too far.
H has found the house curiously empty this morning, having trailed around hunting for a little white dog.
Sunday am –
Mindful of the horrors of our new energy monthly debit, I hung the washing out even though the day looks dubious and grey. However, rain is not in the forecast, unless you are oop north.
Thought for the Day

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