
I had a good night, apart from a short interruption, that finally brought me to my senses after 07.00. Outside, it was dull and uninviting and not very warm. Eleanor appeared around the same time, so we carried on the usual early chit chat. And then considered the rest of the day.

E decided she would leave tomorrow which is her birthday. So the bluebells became our destination. I wasn’t half huffing and puffing- need to develop some fitness. Not more fitness – just any fitness would be good.

I always knew this track, at the top of Streatley Hill, would be awkward, probably why I have not been that way for a few years. I’m glad it was dry underfoot as parts were steep and uneven and covered in tree roots. There were quite a lot of fallen / chopped trees and clearance is taking place.

I can’t say the bluebells were breath takingly beautiful. Beautiful – yes – but they were slightly prematurely ’over’ their best. This is probably to do with the exceptionally dry weather that has prevailed in the last month or so. I can’t remember when it last rained and none of significance is in the forecast. Unless you live in Scotland. You might get a bit wet up there.

Busy dogs
Distant bluebells
Less distant bluebells
The angle is probably correct

E commented on the absolute peace around us. No traffic noise, just the birds and other natural sounds. The views are pretty good too. To prevent my demise, we sat on a bench for a while drinking in the atmosphere. It was just right for that walk – pleasantly cool.

We enquired of Ali to see if she was in but she was not. So no hospitality there. E walked back down the Combe and the steep steps. And I gathered up the car and met her half way down.

We returned home to bacon sandwiches, T who was awake, and some TV, during which I dozed off. As did the dogs.

Over the last two evenings E and T have giggled and gurgled over Clarkson’s farm. T and I both enjoyed it second time around. We look forward to series 2 and his unworkable plans and short cuts. Even if you are not a fan of our Jeremy, it is definitely worth a watch. Amazon Prime.

News today is pretty grim from Ukraine. Pootin has stuck a finger or two up at the UN which I hope will catch up with him sooner or later. Liz Truss seems to have ‘gone off on one’ of her own. Parliament seems to be on another of its little holidays – no wonder nothing gets done.

And I think they have named porn boy MP. What was HE thinking of? NO ! Hang on, better not to ask!!

The afternoon was dull. I barely moved except to prepare a fish dish for supper. I rootled around and found a couple of puddings. Chocolate and ginger / toffee sponges. They were quite yummy.

T got himself going and spent the evening wandering around offering us cut apple and satsuma. When he was not reorganising the kitchen or other stuff. including my seedlings which he has killed off.

E and K return home tomorrow, on her birthday. They have both been good girls and good company.

Thought for the Day






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