Another not very good night’s sleep with a period of wakefulness. Eleanor informed she had enjoyed a good night when we eventually collided in the morning for a coffee and some brekkie. T remained in bed. E disappeared for a long walk to Streatley and back which would gave taken me all morning, but which took her about 30 minutes. Well, slight exaggeration, about 35 minutes for the 8 km.
The morning passed with general further chatter and brief discussion about a trip to Abingdon, for the Art Exhibition, and how best to manage it.
H needed a walk so we took both dogs with us, stopping at Little Wittenham on the way. We walked across the field eyeing up one of the clumps, Dorchester and the Thames from a distance. The dogs did their thing. Including Kally being deeply interested in a moribund fluffy item.
The Art exhibition was an exhibition of work done over the weeks of my course. On display were around 4 pieces of work from each student, from the two morning and two afternoon sessions each week. Most of the work was a reflection of different interpretations of the same focus.
The Art classes are run as a franchise throughout the country as well as an international group, with the outcomes available on Facebook. It is quite interesting to see what other groups have produced because, often, the teacher’s influence is also apparent.
The main purpose of the exhibition is to attract new custom.
I have paid up for more sessions through the summer. We are not away so there is nothing to lose. Only myself! In total absorption in what I am doing any particular week.
Either E or T had to be outside with the dogs. On one of the nice benches in the pleasant gardens. I was well organised.
I had to be back home by 17.00 to pick up a phone call from Nigel, the psychiatric Nurse who we saw the other day. T has declined since he was last seen for Alzheimers ( in Newbury) over two years ago, scoring poorly on the test he was given. They are adjusting his medicine, withdrawing the donepazil as it has probably done its job. He will be referred back to the GP. For his eye sight also. I have various bits of paper to complete to squeeze some money out of the government. All stuff we to which we are entitled.
I had trouble filling in the Attemdance Allowance form a couple of years ago because the first questions were uncomfortable, about how much time we spent in the UK, the answers to which would have required porky pies. Of course the Pandemic has halted our wanderlust so I can be truthful now.
I cooked again this evening. Very haut cuisine jacket pots and prawn mayo and guacamole. It slipped down nicely. Followed by apple crumble.
So that was the day done. Tomorrow E will have an unmissable opportunity to meet with carer friends.
Thought for the Day

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