Another wakeful night during the early hours. I trawled the internet and carried out some research, doing some shopping. Did some flexing, fed T and then fell asleep again until a more reasonable time.
It was a toss up – should I walk H first and then shop? Or work it the other way round? The fact it was sunny and the day was warming up allowed me to decide to walk H first. Leaving her in the car was no sensible option – it already felt too warm.
So we had a pleasant wander round Streatley Meadows. We both pottered and I then dropped H off at home.
Wallingford was not busy, nor was Waitrose. I managed to stock up with enough food to keep us going for a few days… several heavy carrier bags full.
Oh the pain of it – the packing and unpacking of it all. Once it was all stowed, I allowed myself a little relaxation time.
Eleanor arrived around 13.00. it was good to see her again after about 9 months. Her little dog, Kally and Heidi sniffed each other and wagged their tails and then did their own thing. This mostly involved lying in the sun. Kally seemed entirely relaxed – a fluffy bundle of being laid backness.

After a sandwich lunch and some catching up time, we wandered down to the river. I Was feeling knackered so left Eleanor and T and the dogs to walk further. I see I have walked over 5k today, not quite sure how, after my short early walk this morning. We sat by the river having a drink and then took ourselves home. E reported that T spent a while in the bushes sourcing a new stick.
Salmon for supper was simple enough followed by strawberries etc and a dose of Clarksons farm on TV which E had not seen and which was equally watchable second time around.
The rhetoric around the War in Ukraine seems to be escalating and is quite scary. The UK are Pootin’s current nemesis as he casts around for new places to target with his menace. He seems a bit annoyed that the Ukranians have had the affrontery to shell and destroy something over the Russian border. Terrible thing to do on his sovereign territory. An act of war.
In the meantime, our refugee family are stuck in Lviv. Poorly – probably with Covid. Timur is recovering as is Oleh but Elena still feels weak.
Thought for the Day

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