
A horrid night where I had a sleepless interlude in the early hours and fell asleep again after some flexing and an early brekkie. Then I awoke with a bang around 10.00. I felt as though I had come round after a dose of anaesthesia.

Next up – it was a question of wondering if T wanted to come on the H walk. He did. But as usual I was kept waiting whilst he observed his daily shower ritual. Half an hour under the rain shower; half a bottle of shower gel; half an hour wafting around getting dry; a clamber up onto the window sill whilst he hung the towels over the curtain pole, only for me to pull them immediately down again; the hunt for shoes. And so on. The rule of halves.

The ritual of checking doors and windows and then sitting on the chocolate flavoured car seat.

We went to Newbury where I picked up some Union Jack fabric and similar ribbon . The Queenie’s platinum jubilee is coming up (yawn yawn yawn) . Not my type of occasion. And I might look to being elsewhere for this ghastly jamboree. Don’t get me wrong, I think the old bird has done a jolly good job. And deserves lots of respect. I just can’t be arsed. T just drags me down on such occasions. There will be tears if we are not elsewhere. I can feel it coming on already.

Anyway, back to today… I needed the union jack fabric to finish the floor bean bag. Assuming our refugees ever get here, it might get finished in time. They are all poorly at the moment but don’t seem in any particular hurry either. It might be Covid from the sound of the symptoms. The adults had it before, early on in its appearance. They are vaccinated. If they don’t appear, I will donate the bean bag to another family. I’m not sure we need a blue and yellow bean bag.

After picking up the fabric, we walked H up at Greenham where she almost swam. Almost. She played around in the ponds for a little while in the sunshine which was pretending to be warm. One minute I was overcooked and the next, I was raw. or maybe rare.

We stopped at The Swan for a snack on the way home. There was some private function taking place which meant the car park was stuffed with big fat 4x4s.
We did not do much else with the rest of the day.

Chris’ sister, Eleanor, will visit us for a few days tomorrow . I had better lay in more supplies because the fridge has been raided again. And the open packets of hardening cheese/ ham slices and withered carrots are of no use unless you want to be poisoned. No amount of explanation will change him once his mind is set.

Thought for the Day






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