I was awake in the night as the Roberts family landed on their return from Cephallonia. And later, again, as they arrived back in Devon. I have vague memories of making T a midnight sandwich to stop him rifling his way through the kitchen. Perhaps it was a dream. But apart from those interruptions, it was all as good as it could be.
I performed some flexing and then I think I fell asleep again. For a while. I had jobs to do… mowing the grass, watering plants front and back.
My new phone cable arrived as I was just waking up for the second time.
Eventually, these jobs prevailed over my idleness and I arose to deal with them. The grass is now mowed and the plants were also watered. And the garden is almost put back together after the patio sealing. The grass was quite long with plenty of dandelions – plants in the wrong place.
It proved to be too warm to sit around and enjoy the results of my efforts.

Instead we set off for the farm shop so that I have the ingredients for any further midnight feasts that might occur. H came with us as a reminder that she still needed a walk.
My beautiful new car has a less inviting front passenger seat. It has become smudged with a sticky brown substance carefully deposited by T. He did that to my last car. Its called Magnum deposit. This car is supposed to have waterproof seats, not sure why, or of the advantages. But I don’t suppose they are chocolate proof.
Lardon Chase was our walk location. What was left of the afternoon was sunny/ cloudy with a breeze that took the warmth out of the day’s breath. It was very pleasant out there with a sprinkling of people. Just wonderful, in fact.

We returned home whereupon I cooked a delicious supper. And fell asleep again. And woke up to get to bed.
The fridge has been substantially rearranged. I dread it when the rustling noises in the kitchen kick in.
Thought for the Day

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