Yes I was very silly this afternoon when I couldn’t charge up my phone. I got myself in a right old panic. I thought the phone or its battery was dying, and all the ensuing implications overwhelmed me briefly. My two regularly-used Apple charging cables appeared to have bare wires or be worn where the connection goes into the port and none of the other supposedly ‘Apple-approved’ cables works any more. I hunted through my travelling charger bags to no avail and eventually found a very unused cable buried in a drawer. This established the fact that the phone was OK and the chargers were at fault.
The night was good and since we only had one dog this morning, I did not hurry to get up. We were expecting a visit from a mental health team person from Abingdon at 10.00 so all my best efforts were required to get T up. Winner!
The patio that Oscar and Reuben had sealed the previous evening was looking unstreaky so we could use it again. Not that we had much time.
Nigel, who turned out to be a (very sensitive, male ) psychiatric nurse arrived promptly at 10.00. He was very thorough going through T’s medical history and background information. The visit culminated in a memory test similar to, but not the same as, ones T has done before.
There were various tasks he had to do, a few of which he was good at – eg subtracting in 7s. Others which involved memorising something, he was not so good at. What did stand out was the fact he could not process quite simple instructions to carry out a task. Therefore he could not do the task. Glaringly obvious. I knew this already from general day to day living, but it was starkly confirmed. And worse than I supposed.
According to T, we are in the year 2000 and it is July. He doesn’t know his address beyond the fact we live in Moulsford and could not recall what county it is in. Nor could he remember where we moved from or how long we have lived here. There was some ’bristling’ on his part in response to some questions. It took about two hours.
Once Nigel had departed, we prepared ourselves for a walk down to the river from Cholsey layby. The day was cloudy but not cold and not rainy. It must be about three weeks since we had significant rainfall.
The hedgerows are smothered in new growth which means H can slip through them and remain unseen. We sat for a while on the bench by the river. Or I did. T investigated the availability of walking sticks. H snuffled amongst the more dead grasses. All very peaceful and calming.

Whilst out there, Reni texted to say Charlie had arrived. He looks slightly bemused! But his get together with Millie was lovely and she behaved beautifully.

A lovely story, sort of gone full circle. Charlie was busy sniffing the air and puzzling over the green stuff underneath him in a video she sent.
We snacked at the Waterfront before returning home to the cable debacle.
TV followed and I have finally seen off all episodes of the Split, I then fell asleep.

My additional beads for the bean bag arrived. It is now puffed up and I can see that some of the appliqué should be higher up. Ali suggested not using the large buttons to finish it. Apparently they stick into you. We shall see. I may add flags .

I staggered to bed where my sleep continued until T woke me and I managed to pre-empt him raiding the kitchen, by making him a midnight sandwich. This restlessness coincided with the Roberts family arriving home, in the early hours, after their Cephallonia trip.
Saturday morning – Apple have already delivered to me a replacement cable! star stuff.
Thoughts for the Day

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