Another very quiet night and a good sleep. The doggies are so quiet at night … gone are the days when they would wake up to play.
A little exercise for me, and I then threw some clothes on and we left the house just as the sun was rising – a big red orb today. It kept an eye on me all the way to Wallingford. And was turning orange as we exited the car.
Although it was a heady 4C, there were hints of a frost across the meadow grass. There were only a few people around, mostly with dogs. I managed to distract H from the Bunny Brambles at the start of the walk, but nearly forgot and nearly took my eye off the button, as she sloped off deep down into the moat. But she was a good girl.
It was lovely out there.

We were back home early enough to have the full day stretching out in front of me. plenty of time for sewing.
After brekkie, there followed several hours of sitting and sewing. I opened up the sewing machine, gave it a good clean , studied its various parts and then decided I needed the instruction manual. That had not made the move over here.
So, I trawled the internet with the make and model number and reminded myself of all sorts of things from the manual. I would have been lost without it. Today was appliqué day. I do not know how many patches I appliquéd , not particularly well either. There were a lot.
I also managed to get the bean bag panels and the zip connected to each other. And as for the prepacked beads – they were brilliant except I needed nearly twice as many as I ordered. I have a half filled bean bag with work to do to the top and bottom.
By the time I finished, my neck had seized up from peering over, or up into the sewing machine. My legs were barely working and my back ached. Sitting around for two days is not good for me. It was all quite tiring too.
It was one of those days where I couldn’t find things, or I kept dropping things, or I had to undo things. Irritating stuff. But getting there.

Minnie was returned home this evening, after which, we had a take away curry for supper.
Our refugees came from Kutsk, not Lutsk yesterday. That explains the anomaly over the train journey. Confusing names. Timo is not very well and Elena was asking about the cost of living. I hope she does not get put off.
Biris is still resisting that fishing hook but is swimming closer to the line. His tail was desperately flicking last night as some Sky News Reporter kept asking him questions he didn’t like and didn’t want to answer. He went all pink and looked around desperately for someone to help him out. I think he had run out of lies and bluster. He even seemed embarrassed and could do nothing but splutter. How many more times will we hear: ”Boris Johnson is the first Prime Minister to have ….”

This beach is beautiful at this time of year. But in summer, with its sunbeds, and hordes of people and canteens , it is like a desert by the sea. The pebbles are chalky and the sea turns opaquely white. It is nice to see it looking so beautiful.

Last day out there for the Roberts.
George’s boy-shed is turning into a mansion in their garden. Well done boys – great construction so far.
Oscar and Reuben came to seal the patio slabs and the garden can be put back to rights tomorrow.
Supper was a proper job of a curry from the local curry house. And I continued to feel seized up.
A mental health team are coming to see T tomorrow morning. I will have to get him up early.
Thought for the Day

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