What a difference compared with yesterday ! I had a really good sleep, waking up at around 05.30, ready for some flexing, after which I fell asleep again until about 07.00.
Because it was to be a technical and creative day, I needed to get the dogs out early so the walk would not be interfering with things later in the day.
I settled on Castle Meadows again, grabbing Heidi just in time as we approached Bunny Brambles. I also was keenly aware of the need to keep Minnie away from the river as I did not want a wet dog in the car. Failed on that one, because she found the stream that flowed through the hedgerow. If you need a water diviner…
It was a lovely walk in pleasant sunshine and the dogs were active.

H was hugely attracted to something or other in the long grass, which involved a lot of sniffing, rolling and ignoring me. And a large area of flattened grass. But no turds. Perhaps she was truing to catch and terminate some poor creature.
Minnie, however, ran in circles, during the walk, and then, at the end of it found a little friend to frolic with. And frolic they did. As well as gallop and chase in ever increasing circles whilst I chatted to its owner. And a bemused H supervised.

Minnie was very strangely quiet for the rest of the day. This was mainly spent measuring and cutting bits of fabric to make the bean bag for Timur. ( She did her bit encouraging T to get up.)
I noticed Wallingford was draped with large flags George – Queen’s birthday? Jubilee? Common Wealth Games? St George’s Day? It looked quite attractive. But then Wallingford remains quaint and fairly traditional.

I also spent a lot of time reminding T to keep off the pressure-washed patio. He was up by late morning, which was a shame, as a late sleep would have suited me better.
The craftwork was fiddly as I had to make a new template for the panels of the bean bag itself. I had decided to apply a theme to 4 of the six panels – sunflowers , transport, dinosaurs, stars and moon. The panels will alternate in blue and gold. Well a sort if gold- the nearest shade that the fabric shop could provide. Two will be plain. I wondered about putting a flag on each of those. The beans have arrived – I may not have enough.
So far …pinned panels.

Sewing all the appliqué is going to take a while. Then all the panels require a double stitched seam and then there is the zip etc. And, finally, the beads. And i might need to download instructions for the seeing machine because they don’t seem to have made the move .
I gave up at about 17.00, going in search of WD40. Sitting around for so long had given me a numb bum and seized up my joints. More of the same tomorrow.
I thought I had better give T some lunch or supper depending upon how you looked at it. He, in his turn, spent the day twiddling his fingers because he was barred from shed tidying or doing anything that involved the patio areas. And I could not trust him to walk both dogs to the Rec. Not that he suggested it,
He would probably have forgotten he had two, in the same way as, in the middle if eating his supper, he went off looking for something to eat.
I mislaid part of the evening. I’m also wondering if our refugees have made any progress.
Thought for the Day

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