Our refugees did not travel to Lviv today due to the activity of Russian missiles. Several sites in Lviv were hit . I just hope they are not too late to make that trip. In Lutsk, where they are, the sirens have been going off every two hours.

The day dawned rather unfriendly in as much as it was not sunny. It was also around 07.00 when I woke up, so quite late. I performed the usual routines.
I was hoping T would get up. This lying around is becoming worrying. And it continued today. All day until about 17.00.
I showered myself and then the garden got a shower too – from the hose.
And then I joined a 3 way discussion about our refugee family and the obstacles and dangers they face. Lviv was attacked this morning and it was too dangerous for them to travel. They are relying on public transport.
H and I walked in Castle Meadows where we got stuck talking with a Chinese lady who seems to be suffering some harassment, probably racial from one of her neighbours. I listened patiently, offering a little advice, but after a while it was becoming boring and very intense and she was going on, and on. I was beginning to wonder about the accuracy of it all.
I escaped the Chinese lady and H and I had a pleasant dawdle round the Thames water meadows. We returned home to find T still in bed. No surprise there! I cooked an early supper/ late lunch. I think T ate it.
As I drove round Wallingford, I noticed the craft / quilting shop offered up a wonderful display of blue and yellow fabrics to create craft items in Ukraine colours. I am thinking creatively . But I am also wondering where my sewing machine treadle might be. Did it make the move? Has it fallen victim to T and his fiddling?
The obvious items to make are flags / bunting/ appliqué pillow cases/ cushion covers. Possibly a floor bean bag for Timur.

It is Tuesday – slept really really badly – mostly wondering where the treadle was then I turned it up straight away.
The Roberts will be landing in Cephalonia around now after a very early departure. 3 day break.
Things seem quieter in Lviv so far today so if you gave a spare moment, send good vibes to our refugees.
Today, Chris is a year older than he was yesterday ( :-)) ) and Tina also had a birthday yesterday. Many happy returns birthday people.
Charlie will be sailing the high seas right now and H and I will be popping to Newbury soon.
Thought for the day

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