Today is the day that was

Yes! A lot happened!

Nice sleep – Waking around 05.00 whilst I contemplated the day ahead. I decided to be ultra organised. I would find the time to take H fir a quick early walk; go swimming; visit Sainsburys; relax for a bit; take H out for another walk; prepare an evening meal for us and the Illis.

That is more or less what happened. With a bit of elaboration.

The walk was swift – only one couple out there at 06.30. Off and into the swimming by 07.40. The swimming was quite peaceful. As I may have mentioned before the old ladies seem to have given up. However a group of men seem to have replaced them. They are like the old ladies in as much as they loiter at the ends of the pool chattering away. They talk more than they swim.
Following my dip, I visited Sainsburys for additional rations for the evening meal. By the time I arrived home it was around 10.00 and I required a bit of a rest. And we both required brekkie. Once the shopping was unpacked.

I sat outside in the sun for a bit but became overheated. So I then did a bit of gardening, repotting some plants. They are a bit feeble and leggy so might not survive.

I then turned my attention to preparations for the evening meal which I kept deliberately simple. Salmon and salad and a potato / garlic/ caramelised cherry tomato mix.

Ali and Fleur arrived, long before Dave and George, who were busily engaged in constructing a shed for George to use. A sort of boy shed for his nerf guns, their modifications and 3D printer. Etc etc

Our meal was very delicious and the boys eventually arrived. We were outside all evening because Dave is still faintly Covid positive. The fact we have had it made mixing more permissible. Or less risky.

Ali sorted out our garden so that the swing ball is in operation and the babyfoot is out of the shed. The evening became quite riotous. The Scrabble almost got played but vicious swing ball activity put paid to that.

H looks after a very special piece of wood
Sun setting

Vicious game

We eventually retreated in and the Illis left. cool and damp were the reasons.

Thought for the day

Havent really got one because I’m anxious to post this because WordPress is playing up. Couldn’t get into it earlier.






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