I don’t know where to begin

The day has been such a seesaw – a roller coaster of emotions … from great news, but with complications, to the trough of dreadful disappointment and then to a sort of rational plateau into reality. It is all a state of flux.

I slept nicely until around 05.00. Then I lay awake contemplating driving to the Lido. Momentous decision – I would swim at Didcot. It’s months since I have been there. I wouldn’t get stuck in Caversham roadworks. The drive is shorter which equals less fuel. And I wouldn’t have to battle with the tiling works going on at and in the Lido.

So off I went; no frost to scrape off the windscreen. I was at Didcot before 06.30 and quickly in a fairly peaceful pool. It was warm in there. Most of the old ladies who used to litter the slow lane were not there. Too early? Dead? Who knows?

I did chat to a lovely man and his wife. She has MS and was only using one arm to swim – apparently only half her body cooperates with what she wants to do. But, bravely, she ploughs on through fitness stuff and he supports her.

It was raining as I started home. Miserable.

I was home by 08.00. And got brekkie out. And then I was off out with H at Long Wittenham. I tried Little Wittenham first but the school holidays meant parking was at a premium. ie There wasn’t any.

The field there is now covered with cowslips and is beginning to look pretty. The grey clouds retreated and the sun struggled to gain dominance of the skies. And it suddenly became warm. And so did I.

Trees are in bud
Downtrodden cowslips

The Social prescribing nurse rang – she has Covid, so no face to face appointment. She seemed more ’with it’ today, and we agreed it is me who needs the appointment to help deal with T’s needs. I knew that days ago! I am going to wait until after the visit from the Mental Health Team in 10 days time.

I took shaggy man to be de-shagged. The turkish barbers have tidied him nicely. We then went to the Perch and Pike for lunch. Haven’t been there for a few years but it was very nice. And good value . These days eating out hurts! It is now run by a friend of Ali’s and she runs it well.

I needed a snooze when we returned. Groggy was how I felt when I woke up. It took me a couple of hours to surface.

T had been up to the usual meddling whilst I was unconscious. The fact he was sitting in the chair meant I could not chuck the cushions on the floor. But he has out items from the freezer into the fridge which means they will be no use to anyone or anything (except the bin) unless eaten soon.

Great news! Olena and Timur have finally got their visas to come to the UK. And Ali and family are off to Mauritius on Thursday morning until the 23rd. Not the best timing. The Ukranians have to get themselves out of Ukraine and get flights organised. Their current accommodation is not ideal, nor can they stay there much longer, so we are on standby to meet them etc if necessary. And the Russians are unpredictable.
Timur’s school place has now been applied for.

Everyone is thankful that both visas have landed an hour apart. Some have arrived days or weeks’ apart.


A couple of hours later, despair has set in. Dave has just tested positive for Covid. So Thursday’s departure for Mauritius will not happen unless the positive happens to be a false one. Unlikely though, given recent family history. Their holiday is in the throes of being cancelled. I feel so sorry for them. Desperately sorry.

Ali is wisely drowning her sorrows (probably in the liquid anaesthetic I gave her when she was poorly ) whilst corresponding with Elena in Ukraine. Elena is trying to work out how to depart Ukraine whilst leaving her husband and mother behind. As Ali said, not going to Mauritius does not really compare with events in Ukraine and escaping them.

So, her actions are going to involve cancelling the holiday ( heavily insured I believe) and maybe arranging a substitute trip that they can take in a few days. But not much of the Easter holiday will be left.

Thoughts for the Day

Nice comments from Ukraine. They sound like lovely people. Fingers crossed that things work out for everyone there and here.






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