A good, solid night asleep, until about 04.30. Then the spirit was quite willing and considering an early swim. But the flesh was not quite on task; and eventually the spirit fell asleep again, waking much later. By then the flesh was more willing and brekkie etc was made.
I had a text from Pen about something she had left behind which required posting. So, up I got and H and I visited Cholsey Post Office, paying a vast sum of money for a relatively small package, to be delivered in a hurry . And then we visited Castle Meadows and the towpath section. It was another sunny day. So warm, that I had to return to the car, as I was overdressed and therefore overheated. Stripped down, we set off again. Poor old H cannot remove her fluffiness.
The meadows are well dried out now , even the lane had no waters in its craters. Once more, we steered clear of bunny territory. But the towpath held a few secrets that H found irresistible. And she had a little speedy catching up to do.
I chatted (briefly) to a lady. An elderly opinionated one. Briefly, because she decided to give me a lecture on the folly of wearing crocs on the walk. In my turn, I decided that the conversation needed to be terminated . She had various mobility problems which she was bravely fighting. She also couldn’t hold back on advising on the importance of keeping mobile. Really? News to me? Serves me right for sitting on a bench.
I wasn’t home for long, before I was off and out again. A few carer friends were meeting at Hermitage. Getting a cup of something hot at this garden centre can take a while. But we had another good natter. Brenda is a different person now Michael is parked in a home . I’ve no doubt it is the right place for him.
T has been on his own quite a lot today. If he had got up, he would have been out and about with me. He enjoys his trips out but I can’t wait until mid afternoon for him to vacate the bed.
Tomorrow, I must take him to the Turkish Barbour – he is so shaggy that I am not sure he will get through the door. And then we have the face to face appointment with the social prescriber.
Thought for the Day

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