After my night out on the village, I slept extremely well for the first time in two nights. And I awoke at some very unseemly time, around 07.00. A series of notifications were lying in wait for me to tell me that Chris, in Crete, had already walked over 4 km, cycled over 17km and done some strength training. ‘Already’ being the operative word.
Reading that lot, left me gasping for air and energy and so I did the sensible thing, showered and went to Waitrose. After performing the usual chores.
I was at Waitrose just after 09.00, and today parking was no problem. I picked up the smoked cod and fruit etc and returned home with the shopping which eyed me somewhat malevolently, until I unpacked it and stashed it. The fridge received a clear out too.
Next up- ( had to keep going) the Miele sorted the carpets sucking up anything that shouldn’t be there. Still had to keep going – the floors were mopped; and, whilst I was on a roll, The grass was mown.
Phew! I sat down in the sun for a few moments. H went and excavated another hole in our one and only flower bed. I think she needs a sand pit.
H and I walked down by the river from the Cholsey lay-by and it was a lovely walk in bright sunshine. I connected up with a seat by a small beach that we had previously reached from Ferry Lane. It was rather more comfortable than the branch where I usually park my backside.

The walk was lovely, very tranquil, just me, H and the river much of the time.
Pen was late leaving Devon, by about two hours, so I prepared the ingredients for the kedgeree supper. The rest of the local family will join us for a drink prior to gracing some hockey event/ dinner with their presence. I am doing family care with Pen the Late / George the Young ( too young for hockey dinner) / T the absent. And then at the stroke of some silly o’clock, I will transform into a taxi driver. And zoom around the locality gathering up odds and sods and returning them somewhere.
Tomorrow is another day which should involve a swim and tapas.
Alex is in constant contact with Laura Farris’ (the MP) assistant about her refugees. He is being as helpful as he probably can be, and has managed to establish that the Home Office have all the necessary information and the application is under consideration. Doh! What is there to consider? About a 30 something mother and her 6 year old son. Oh … I forgot … they have to check for any criminal records and connection with intelligence services. And what size shoes they wear; what their handwriting is like and whether they speak chinese.
And as for the worst home secretary ever – Priti Awful Patel – yesterday she felt the need to apologise over visa delays, But she omitted to inform us what she is going to do about it. Nothing probably. The mess is of her making. She needs to put it right. Having one application per family/group instead of per person might be a start.
North Moreton is close nearby – just by Didcot.
We had a pleasant social evening with Pen and George. The kedgeree tasted good and there are left overs for Fleur, who was hockey partying tonight. Dog Bingo prevailed.

I’ve discovered the new car has a rather good sound system – One of the reasons I think the car cost a bit more. i felt it was irrelevant . to my needs at the time. whilst waiting for the party goers, I was playing my 2017 playlist – devised for overland trips to Greece. And the sound system was amazing. Something to do with woofers I believe – whatever they are.

Thought for the Day.

Finally got to bed after midnight .
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