I had the most terrible night’s sleep. I just couldn’t get myself into it – all that was on my mind was what was going on in Ukraine and Ali’s refugees. Will they? Won’t they? Are they alright? etc
And then I got into detest Putin mode.
Eventually I fell asleep… for a few minutes, and woke up and scraped myself up off the bed and then wandered outside to put the food bin out. I had to remove the beer cans from inside it first.
That was all a waste of time because the bin men ignored it.
By the time I discovered this, the large recycling wheelie bin had been picked up and tossed aside, down the drive, on its side. Like many others in the locality. Green wheelie bin devastation was scattered across the highways, byways and verges.
I did not realise, initially, that a wind was responsible for this. But wind there was – strong wind. A very strong wind as it transpired.
I spent a while sorting out arrangements for our Rafina trip at the end of July. Organisation at the Greek end continues to be somewhat vague as far as we are concerned. I think the happy couple are concentrating on sorting accommodation and transport for friends. Today, for T and myself, I organised UK airport parking, airport hotels in UK and airport transfers in Greece. I’ve opted to use taxis over there. No journey will be very far and I think it will work out cheaper than hiring a car.
T was in dopey mood, so H and I went off on our own to visit a clump. It was a bright, clear and sunny day, but the 7Bft wind brought with it a very chilly edge.
In fact, as I beat my way up the steep slope of the clump, the wind tore into me. In places it was so strong, that I could barely stand up. At other times, I was almost thrown off balance.

And then there were the sheltered spots at the top – no wind and warm sun. And a big bench. H was not still anywhere for long. If she was not dashing around, she was scuffing her way through the debris of cut tree branches. Major sawing had taken place.
The country side has put on its greenery, anticipating the arrival of warmer times. The hedgerows are decorated with powdery snow-like flakes, which, today, were chaotically dancing in defiant mood, insolent in the face of the wind.
H’s fluff was definitely ruffled and once she had overcome her excitement she seemed quite keen to get back to the car. She tore ahead of me at the start of the walk. l thought I would never see her again.

I really enjoyed being out there – it was such a clear day.

Looking towards Dorchester and CliftonHampden
Lidl received my attention next. It actually had some of the yummy brown bread for the first time in months. But I was after more basic items – milk, fruit etc.
T was not up when I arrived home. I am concerned at the amount of time he is spending in bed. However, today, he did eat a full evening meal.
As usual, the evening disappeared elsewhere. But it won’t tomorrow as I am off out.
Thought for the day

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