Lido Lunch

I awoke without really wanting to be awake. Coffee was on the menu but the cupboards have become a bit sparse, again. Brekkie was a bit thin on the ground. T did not eat his toast anyway. However, I did hear him fiddling in the kitchen during the night.

Yesterday evening he did not eat his meal either. Just forgot about it. He was fiddling in the garden/ in the kitchen/ moved all the pots around. He had put frozen food in the fridge/ stacked stuff up on the window sills/ has lost his new spacer inhaler. And the back door key. Again. And I expect there are things I don’t know about or have not discovered. Am I driven potty! You bet! And his evening meal just got overlooked. I think he forgets if he has eaten or not

I contemplated a swim but decided I would tie one in with a Lido lunch later in the day. I needed to get T out. as he had not been anywhere for a couple of days and was beginning to become an accessory for the bed.

First up after some flexing, was a trip round Castle Meadows with H. It was a miserable old day with a few spots of rain. But H made the best of it – in the moat, down by the pond, in the tickets. Or thickets. I think the bunnies are breeding because she finds undergrowth very exciting.

I was not surprised to find T had not got himself up. Very irritating. But he just got himself sorted in time for us to get to the Lido so I could swim.

The Lido have started on their renovation work, which means various parts are closed off. And, despite their best efforts to prevent it, some debris is in the pool.
One of the ‘works’ involves laying new tiles on the walking / seating area round the pool . The present ones are very beautiful but, dangerously slippy. I used to totter round there on my old knees, very fearful of falling. Because a few people did just that, (fall) they put safety mats out. Not very aesthetically pleasing but they made me happy.
They are also constructing a larger sauna and a new steam room, whilst keeping everything open.

The pool water was very choppy. Probably due to the wind as there were not many people in there. I completed a shorter distance and we enjoyed very good tapas for lunch.
T ordered humus and tortilla for himself and I queried his choice as it was a bit out of character . And then he tucked into my fish and shredded cabbage choice. I think he finds reading so hard that he can’t be bothered to read beyond the first two choices.

After a very long wait at the ridiculous works traffic lights by Caversham Bridge, we eventually made it home.
During this wait, life was livened up by very black clouds, horizontal rain and flooding. Ten minutes later the sun popped back again.

Back home, it was time to relax, sort out the bins and then I seem to have mislaid the rest of the day.

Ali and co have passed their home inspection for refugee accommodation. But no visa still- all of 4,000 have been issued out of 32,000 requests.
I continue to despair of our old Etonian government, who are so out of touch, with the way the world and its inhabitants operate.
The Labour spokespeople seem more like real people from this world. Less pompous cardboard cut-outs. They speak a common language that people understand. Or most do. Whether their ideas would translate into action or successful action remains to be seen.

However, I do not think a Labour government would have made such a hash of Ukranian refugee status. I don’t think anyone could.

Thought for the Day






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