Quite a good night, but I always end up overthinking when I have things to get up for. On a Tuesday, I have to take H for a quick run before leaving for Abingdon. I have missed the last two weeks thanks to Covid.
H and I went for a wander down at Streatley Meadows. It was early, grey and dismal. And neither of us was bounding with energy. And I forgot to stop the workout which generously gifted me an extra 2 km.
I had a little while at home before departing. I was nicely early at the Abbey Buildings. Helen informed me that 7 of us had been absent last week, all with covid. Today was a day for mounting our work. Never my favourite activity.
We had to choose 4 pieces of work. And the mounting system was a right old fiddle. it was never my favourite activity when I was a teacher. Much less so now.
It took over 2 hours to measure up and follow their system for 4 pictures! I did not use the wonky jars.
During the drive home, I found myself feeling very sleepy. Not good. Must have been due to all that overthinking.
I made us a sandwich which awoke me. I felt pretty flaky. A walk would have been better for me than pottering around, which is what I ended up doing.
Ali received a standard reply from her MP re refugees. Wednesday’s Guardian has a good article by Ralph Behr about the nonsense the government are spouting in this subject. Time for action/ money where mouth is etc. Liars.

They say not to fall for Putin’s propaganda. I could say don’t fall for Johnson’s either. Or Gove’s or Patel’s . Just let the UK do something truly altruistic . For once! I think we did it for Ugandan Asians. Half a century ago. Eventually.
Thought for the Day

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