The night was a bit up and down but I slept well in between.
I was up quite briskly though the day was very uninviting. Grey and rainy.
I spent some time unsuccessfully working on the jars’ painting. The paint didn’t really do what I wanted it too, and the jars certainly did not behave either. Mutiny in the ranks.
I took H out for a wander to the Rec and back. No one much else was out and about. The rain was drizzling but I managed to avoid a soaking. H was quite interested in her usual haunts but I soon put paid to that interest due to the presence of horses in their summer field.
Once home, it was time to go out again? to meet Brenda and Val for lunch at the Aldermaston Emporium. A nice jacket potato did the job. I had left T at home with a tasty sandwich. He was in a bit of a droopy mood. We ladies had a good natter.
Brenda is going to see Michael tomorrow for the first time since he went into respite. She didn’t want to go earlier for obvious reasons. Apparently he has not asked for her, nor has he asked to go home, but that might be because he barely says anything.
But Brenda looks a lot better for not having him around.
But I noted that in my absence, T has arranged the garden furniture nicely in the rain. But – even more annoying- he has fiddled with my art tools. Grr. And since then, the extension leads have been disconnected. ‘Nothing to do with me Gov.’
I expect it was Heidi, She has probably got the back door key too.
This morning I continued my very unsuccessful painting of shiny jars which was one of the art sessions I missed due to the Covid episode. I certainly know how to mess things up! Today, I was guided by a youtube link. Not quite like a real teacher.
I have painted two crooked, badly delineated, jars which definitely do not cut the mustard.
They were supposed to look like this:

But failed miserably in their mission …

Often, my efforts look better in a photo… but not this pair of jammy jars.
The day did not improve weatherwise. I have felt pretty tired all day.
Ali is still waiting for her accommodation to be inspected for her refugees. She is also still Covid positive. But beginning to feel better apart from a severe headache. .
Her recent communications with Ukraine show that Ukranians, like the Russians, are not always getting the whole truth, or, full news coverage might be a more accurate way of describing it .

This is about Bucha.
And she has now contacted her MP who is supposed to be trying to accelerate the process.

I can hardly believe what I am reading. Priti Patel – I detect your stupidity in this!
Burt caught me outside and I explained we were ’Covid negative’ now. His little Jack Russell died in his arms last week. Age and kidney failure were the reasons. Sad. SO now he and Wendy are left with their blind Rug of a dog. He then announced they had a puppy lined up. Knock me over with a feather! That puppy will get a lot of love but not much exercise. He has Parkinson’s and she is awaiting a hip replacement.
Being the fount of all knowledge, he also warned me about a shed break-in and tool theft from round the corner.
I’m doing well with Wordle. Another 2/6. The second within a week. Just accidental I expect. Nothing to do with my inner genius.
Thought for the Day

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