
Yes, the night was definitely interrupted. In fact, it started with an interruption that Just would not give up. I eventually fell asleep.

After a quick bit of flexing, I had to collect Fleur at 07.45 to get her to school, early, for a music lesson. The new car starts with barely a murmur when it’s cold but it did require de-icing in the traditional manner. Then there were the heated seats…

Following that, I went straight to the Lido for a swim. Of course it is nearly two weeks since we were last there, so the swim was quite hard work.

And the number of people in the water took me by surprise. Not a nice surprise . It was 1C and cloudy as I left home . I had anticipated an empty pool, hoping all sensible people would stay in bed. As expected, many of them departed.

This was not a territorial or aggressive group and the swim was quite pleasant.
As I drifted along on my back, I looked up at the, now blue, sky and a dead cert near collision overhead. Two planes crossed paths, one directly above the other. I expect there were a few hundred metres in it, but it did not seem like that from where I was.

I was home soon after 10.00. T was not up. I suggested that if he were ready by midday, we could take H out together. But he was not ready. So I caught up with the news and then took H for an extended short walk around the block and across the Rec.

I don’t much like approaching the Rec from this direction due to having to walk beside the road, but I had mail to post. And that us where the postbox is. As we walked over the Rec, we were able to admire the newly planted trees which a working party inserted last week.
It has been a sunny day with a very chilly wind.

Next up – off to the hairdresser. It was good to see Ashleigh again. Another baby and the pandemic have meant Lee has cut my hair over the last year. We discussed the fact that nearly everyone round here has, or has had Covid, including her two, very young children.

It seems to be the younger generation who are suffering worse. Ali is still poorly, and it took Pen a while to get over it. My current theory is that they are so over-vaccinated they have not such a rigorous immune system as us oldies who have had to fight off mumps, chicken pox, measles, whooping cough etc.

I had a long chat with Ali about her refugees and the current situation for them. She is building a good relationship from a shy start. Pen also rang for a chat.

Sleep completely overwhelmed me in the evening. Probably due to previous night and its interruptions and all the swimming.

Eleanor had looked again at visiting to join us for her son’s concert, but Callie is not well, so not happening. Really not well. In fact, Callie had an emergency trip to the vet and has been issued with a heap of medication . She had a constitution of iron once. But it has let her down today, poor little thing.

The news is all about the increased cost of living and the 54% hike in energy prices. This is utterly ridiculous and I can’t really understand how the suppliers are allowed to get away with it given the vast profits. they are making. The french have their ways of dealing with it, which do not include adding over £700a year to energy bills. I am thankful that our little home is much more energy efficient than our last one. And we made big savings last year.

Thought for the Day

I listened to an interesting radio item about Madeleine Albright the other day.






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