It gets worse and worse … awoke at 0645 after nearly 7 uninterrupted hours of sleep. I was a bit groggy when I awoke. But then I performed the usual rituals.
I also retested T who was still Covid positive. I remained negative.
I had various chores to do, which included finding the Miele and its accessories. And then putting them together and applying them to the floors. No cleaners this week – I cancelled them due to our poxiness.
It was a cold and grey day which brought early flurries of snow. As the day wore on, these were interspersed with bright sunny spells . A day of contrasts. Big contrasts.
T could not get himself up, so H and I went walkies at Castle Meadows. It was a raw old day out there with sharp gusts of wind which zipped around changing direction.

Our walk combined snow and sunshine during which H kept herself busy. My watch had fallen off its charger overnight, but I had failed to notice this. I was reminded when it went dead at the end of the walk.
A real treat (?) followed. I visited a shop. For the first time in 10 days. Not just any shop! Waitrose. Anyone might think I enjoy shopping.
It was actually a quick dash round it for a few exciting essentials. eg kitchen roll. Bread. Fruit. And such like. H guarded the car.
Ten minutes later it was bright and sunny
A long face time with Anne followed. Mandy now has Covid – long after most of her family have had it. She is feeling rough. Ali is still feeling rough. Pen felt rough and is not entirely fixed. What is it with this younger generation? No decent resistance!
Perhaps they are over vaccinated, generally, from babyhood, so their immune systems never had to bother to fight anything much.
The afternoon and evening largely disappeared somewhere or other. I watched a strange film called 12 in a Box. I think it was on Amazon. I noticed Miranda Hart was in it so I reckoned it would be a good watch. Not exactly. Her part was disappointing because she was mostly confined or tied up. Little sting in the tail though. Nice one!
Gordon Ramsay, on later, sent me to sleep. I had read good reviews of his latest series. But I think he must have written them himself.
I am informed the roadworks have gone. Phew! in one direction at least.
Brenda has managed to avoid getting Michael back for at least 2 more weeks. They are going to do some assessing.
Thought for the Day
Had there been more than a sprinkling…

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