I had a really good sleep apart from nature calling and interrupting it a couple of times.
It was around 06.00 when I awoke, as yesterday, but then that would have been good old 05.00 a few days ago.
Brekkie and various chores followed. T was in grumpy mode so I ignored him. At least he was not shifting pots or winding cables. He saved the latter for later.
I don’t really know where the morning went. But went, it did. I may have reclosed my eyes.
Ali has Covid, as confirmed with PCR tests. George was also confirmed as positive. Dave is free of it. Peter and Freda are staying somewhere local… not sure for how long. Pen is back at work.
I have to remain confined until 23.59 tomorrow, according to the NHS app.
I took H out for another Castle Meadows walk but there was traffic piled up everywhere en route both there and back. Ali found the same around the same time (5.00) yesterday evening. As usual, it was the private schools (x2) traffic holding up all other traffic. This usually happens at 4.00 not 5.00. Maybe they adjust their school day with the hour. Who knows.
And to add insult to injury Moulsford prep is going to inconvenience us all more by works to do with installing a new entrance at the new pre-school they are building. Traffic light control.
It’s all completely ridiculous. And now there is some water emergency in the other direction.

And… update Weds am …

However I think both H and I enjoyed our wander which took us down to the river. Some ducks caused a bit of a diversion which was nearly a wet and muddy one. H was certainly up for a walk, making her point clearly before we left home.

I rethought fish and chips for tea, in view of the traffic chaos, and rummaged around our ever emptier fridge for items to bulk up the tasty bean salad I had created earlier. Shouldn’t be out and about on a chip mission anyway.
BUT – Weds update – I’ve just tested negative! Thank goodness!
Brenda is about to take on the might of West Berks adult social care in her attempt to keep her husband in a care home. They seem to think it is fine for a 74 year old lady to be almost entirely responsible for a heavy man of similar age, with mobility issues, doubly incontinent, non-verbal, up and down all night, who has regular falls. She can’t get him out of his chair without injuring herself. But I fear it will cost her money… lots of it. Our group now provides a wealth of back up and good advice based on personal experience. West Berks ASC have passed her on to someone more important ( for more important read obstructive) to deal with her case.
I am thankful for small mercies. My difficulties reflect dealing with an irritating mosquito as opposed to an inescapable stinging deadly nasty.
And so life goes on.
Thought for the Day

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