Not too much of a rant today. Well a medium sized one towards the end.
It has been a lovely warm day, bursting with sunshine, insects buzzing, butterflies dancing. T has been sweetness and light, forgetting nothing. And we were off and out early, enjoying the delights of a late spring, early morning. Mothering Sunday.
And if you believe that, you can believe anything.
The hour has sprung forward which made the morning feel darker. Morose, I arose at the usual sort of darkness and did the usual sorts of things.
My watch didn’t seem to be receiving shared activity and then I discovered my phone needed an update which took for ever. And ever. And a bit more ever. And eventually shared activities dribbled through from various sources. Coincidence I know.
Coincidences are rare things, but another popped up this evening.
I got up and perambulated around for a bit and then fell asleep again. It was not a garden day. Too gray. Too cool. Too unuplifting.
Pen is now clear of Covid and my test line is much fainter. If I’m clear tomorrow, I will get to the last art class on Tuesday, which would be very very nice.
Unfortunately, Ali is feeling poorly, but is negative at the moment, however George has tested positive. With Peter and Freda coming to stay, (they were also chez Illi last Thursday and Friday) their plans are falling apart and require rethinking. P and F are vulnerable for various reasons. But then so are we, I suppose. And we are still alive. I think.
Symptomless, T clearly has a marvelous immune system, as some family member pointed out. This is almost certainly bolstered by his diet of 00 beer and magnum ice creams. He really has not had any noteworthy symptoms. Though I did notice a slightly runny nose at about 10.19 last Friday :-)) I can, therefore, recommend his diet if you wish to stay well.
T eventually got himself up and we enjoyed ( yes- enjoyed) a really good trek at Long Wittenham. The voice of doom and gloom got a grip on himself. We walked the full circuit, avoiding other people, but stopping to chat with a pony. It was not sunny, nor was it cold. All very pleasant.

The perilously muddy section was now mostly solid clods of dried mud. Difficult to walk on but not slimily slippery. Except in the odd place.
The soft greens of spring are shyly emerging from their winter sleeps. I love new leaves as they emerge – so soft with the finest of hairs – all limp and new. They have yet to encounter the wet of the rain, or realise their frailty in the face of gusty wind, or bow to dehydration in the blistering heat of the sun.
The white of sloe blossom lines the local lanes and pussy willows are bursting their buds. Larch fronds are giving the trees a graceful shape .

The walk is a circular one that leads across the field, follows farm tracks and then passes through the Millennium Wood. Good stuff. Felt better for it. All 3km!
Time for home. ‘Cook ‘ provided us with very nice curry supper, apart from the rice which was down to me.
Crap on TV tonight left us with little choice viewing.
The super twit I live with, grinds me down so much my resistance wilts and I give up. eg over the cables – cushions have gone on the floor once so far today. BUT his latest ignored (on my part) annoyance is meddling with my possessions on my side of the bed.
Today he has excelled himself fiddling with a rare and rationed pack of test kits, emptying it and repacking it with items stuffed inside each other- so tight I couldn’t extract them – except for the actual test droppers which I could not find. But then I’m just a stupid bitch. (Better that than silly prick?)
Bedtime came late, unaffected by a short coincidental exchange .
Thought for the Day

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