
This is turning into another tirade. Switch off and go no further! Just clearing my head.

Absolutely fed up – stuck with no company other than Alzheimer’s man for another week. Can’t see anyone; can’t go anywhere , other than walk the dog in a wide open space. Then I have this lump of stupidity glued to me, sticking his stupid face into other people’s . Spreading the lurgy whilst spouting stupid drivel.

In theory, in England, the rules are relaxed. Strictly speaking we can wander at will, maskless, generously imparting our germs to anyone and everyone. But that is not really what the government means. All advice is to stay at home until you test negative x2. That is between 5 and 10 days after positive test. It’s chaotic as you can’t get lateral flow tests now, so soon, no one will know their status.

I feel for the vulnerable and the unvaccinated.

Meanwhile cases of BA2 (or A2B or AB 2 etc etc) are supposedly rising. But where, or by how many, is mere guesswork.

Life living with Alzheimer’s is beyond grim at the best of times. I don’t need to be in solitary confinement with it.

I’ve chucked his cushions off his chair every time he disconnects my cables. At least once a day. Yesterday it was twice. Strangely , today, everything has remained connected.

There have been two main problems today:

  1. flower pots
  2. rubbish

T does not like the flower pot arrangement. He thinks they should be stacked in a shady corner, touching each other so they get no light , the plants can’t spread, and they can’t be seen from the house.
I’ve rescued and relocated them for a second time today. Not light work.

The rubbish and its organisation, as you will know, is a constant source of friction. But when you are called every ghastly name under the sun and repeatedly told you are talking crap, when the rubbish policy is not of your personal devising, things get a bit much.

So, to get away, H and I had a lovely uplifting walk on our own in short sleeves and in warm sunshine. No worrying about who might get accosted to be told H’s life history, and to receive a dose of C19 at the same time.

It is getting to the stage where I can’t even watch a TV programme without having to explain everything that is going on.


Of course, things have improved. Usually, I delete posts like the one above, but I decided to keep it. Must make sure I record what he has to say. In future.

Anyway, I decided to take H out on my own and we had another lovely walk across Long Wittenham field. The sunshine was warm, no sleeves, few people and underfoot was very dry. I briefly contemplated the longer, circular route, the one with the seriously muddy stretch. But, hey, I was only wearing crocs. So, silly idea. Maybe tomorrow.

Cowslips will cover this field in a day or two
busy dog
more busy
Car left in sun

When I arrived home my blue mood descended again. The flower pots had been gathered up again and put in stupid positions. Sharp intake of breath, and I all but broke my back and relocated them. Looking for the positives, the weight lifting is probably good for my constitution,

I then shut myself away without acknowledging his presence or my absence. After a while, guilt overtook me and I wandered down the garden with some of Pen’s large print puzzle books which kept us both quiet for a while.

In the meanwhile, jacket pots, cabbage salad and egg mayo prepared themselves.

I’m not sure what has happened to all the items Waitrose brought me on Thursday but there are not many left. The empty fridge policy seems to be self fulfilling. The two boxes of grapes did not survive until Friday. Cherry tomatoes seem to get the same treatment.

The evening dragged on. I closed out the scintillating company by closing my eyes.

Pen has leather jackets in her olive tree pots. She is not happy about it. One of God’s less attractive creatures, with not a lot going for them. A bit like mosquitoes. She needs to make sure they dont migrate to her grass.

A Pen sketch

Thought for the Day

Tomorrow needs to be better






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