Warm Cool Warm

That’s how the day went, one after the other.

My sleep was pretty solid apart from a short interval in the night. Though it did take me a while to drift off after my sofa snooze. I performed the usual early activities whilst taking in the News, as is my wont.

Despite T’s positive LFT COVID-19 test, he appears to be symptom free so I gave him another test today to check the accuracy of his result. Positive again. So no doubt there.

The sun was shining again, this morning, beckoning us to join it. I thought I would do just that because I know it is going to become cooler over the next few days. Next few days, yes, but I hadn’t expected the temperature to drop suddenly this morning. Which is what happened. And then it warmed up again this afternoon.

I sat out for quite a while this morning dealing with admin and online matters. There were quite a few family texts flying around. Pen has suffered from Covid more than I have, so far – both longer and sicker . A headache seems to be the current trouble. It is affecting her still after over a week. I am hoping I do not receive a similar sting in the tail. T has been a bit snuffly and a bit coughy today, but nothing of significance.

Some deliciousness arrived from Pen


Ali has been corresponding via Google translate with her Ukranian family. To make them feel welcome and to get to know them a little. They holidayed in Egypt last summer, and their little boy, Timur, enjoyed the sea and wants to learn to swim. The outdoor pool could come into its own this summer.
I think the visa application and paperwork is done. But as I type, apparently only 7 sponsors and families have been successful. 7!!! The forms are taking hours to complete so the TV is telling me. Ali said they were a waste of time and a load of rubbish. That’s a lawyer speaking .

I retreated inside due to a chilliness which descended and made my toes cold .

H let us know she required her walk before it got colder.

T, H and I had a lovely walk from Cholsey layby down to the river. The day gradually warmed up again, probably to do with the sun reappearing, and I sat on an uncomfortable tree branch by the little river beach. This will be such a lovely spot in summer. For swimming and picnicking etc. Especially if I can improve the seating. Even H paddled today. Several times. I don’t think this particular spot is well known.

T amused himself in thickets of trees lining the river. I think he may have been on a stick hunt but found nothing that was suitable. After about an hour of him stuck in a bush, and me absorbing our surroundings, we returned to the car.

There followed a bit of a bust up over the flora he wanted to put in the car. ie I told him no way, and he got cross. Don’t want bits of blossom everywhere. As it is, there is mud on the door sills.

She sniffs the grass
she paddles
She sniffs the air
She climbs trees
What an amazing doggy – so many skills!

Not much happened during the rest of the day. Pen had very kindly ordered some large print puzzle books for T which should keep him happy.

There was a brief garden disturbance when we found the alleyway gate open. Dry weather = wood shrinkage, is what i think is responsible. The bolt is no longer quite engaging, so needs padding out with a pad or block – plastic or wood will do. It is a bit of a nuisance as the new keypad lock was working well on the gate. It’s a simple enough job to fix it. But I will ask Oscar when he comes to do the shed roof.

I cooked a gourmet stir fry. Then I fell asleep. For about half an hour. Who cares?

Thought for the Day






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