Another Beautiful March Day

The spring of 2020 was like this. Sunny and warm.

I slept very well, waking around 06.00, and not returning to sleep. I did a little flexing as well as the usual early activities. H showed little interest in leaving her bed. In fact she showed no interest, not even lifting her head, as I stumbled out of mine. Usually, her routine is to lie on the floor on my side of the bed. If I arise during the night, she then moves to her bed. Sometimes , if T is on a grape hunt, she moves then.

Today, I have felt quite a lot better as the day has progressed. Less snot, fewer sneezes, clearer head, fewer aches. But I have also been more active – that is to say, I mowed the grass. I don’t have much sense of smell or taste, but that is much the same during any thick snot infestation.

I was able to warn Burt to stay away from us and to remind him that T does not remember the social distancing rules or that he has Covid . Or what Covid is.

T currently has no symptoms so does not feel ill. In his reasoning, because he is not poorly, he does not have Covid, despite a positive test. It is quite a dangerous situation for any innocent parties. He should really stay at home. But I could end up being ’put away’ if I cannot get him out.

I sat a while in the sun until the state of the grass annoyed me enough to get me off my backside and mow it. It looks better now but needs some repair where H and her visiting friends have killed off the grass. Should have put the mowing in as a work out.

Mid afternoon , T appeared up and willing to go walkies. Due to a bit of navigational inattention, we overshot the Wittenham turn, so we headed for new routes at Culham. They require further investigation.

Culham cut / Thames towpath to Abingdon

I was subjected to the usual demands, on the way home, including to stop for a beer, and my explanations as to why this was not possible did not go down well.

Supper beckoned along with some relaxation. That is to say a sofa snooze.

It is going to get colder.

Amongst today’s discoveries …

A new ornament – Dog food scoop- I was wondering where it had got to

Thought for the Day






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